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Is it the United States of America, or the United States vs America? Politics is a competition for power. It seems that in our country the competition is between those who want to move forward with a progressive "United States", and those who want to move backward to a colonial / racist "America".

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Democracy is not perfect. It's just better than the alternative, which is typically war followed by a dictatorship. In a strong democracy, each party must play to win. However, players are expected to play by the rules and concede when they lose. 

Tump is a loser egomaniac.

Trump lost the 2020 elections to Joe Biden. Instead of accepting defeat, Trump created a conspiracy theory about stolen elections in broad daylight. Despite the absence of evidence, Trump insists on repeating the lie. Trump is a sore loser destined to keep losing. 

In the sports of politics, you should not expect one "team" to surrender to the other. You should expect, and demand, fierce competition. Each party must play to win. The stakes cannot be any higher. Everything is at stakes. American politics is a zero sum game by design.

Political power in our country is not distributed proportionally based on results. Instead, the winner gets it all. Whichever party or candidate gets the most votes, even if by the tiniest percentage, wins it all. For example, if one candidate gets 48% of the votes, and the other gets 47%, they do not share power on a 48/47 proportion. No. The 48% candidate gets 100% of the power for the relevant seat or office. 

Under our Constitution, one person elected president gets a huge chunk of power, 1/3 of the power. Even if the presidential candidate wins by one vote, as president the person gets 100% of the Executive power. Luckily we hold presidential elections every four years. We can also impeach presidents via acts of Congress (impeachment articles by the House for impeachment trial by the senate).

Trump was impeached twice. One for withholding aid to Ukraine in exchange for political dirt on Joe Biden. Another for planning the J6 insurrection. The Senate acquitted Trump in both instances. Joe Biden may be impeached if the House turns Republican this fall. Impeachment articles would need to be worked out for the senate to hold the trial. 

Democracy is not about right vs wrong. It's about emotions. It's about how voters feel and what they want. The current battle is our political turf seems to be between those who believe in the concept of a liberal and progressive "United States", and those who believe in the concept of a colonial / racist "America". Do you want to move forward or go backward? Do you believe that we are great now, or that we were great in the colonial days? 

If you want to go back to the racist patriarchy where women and "minorities" are controlled by "white" men, the Republican ticket is for you. If you want to go forward in a diverse and inclusive country where "white" men are not superior to anyone else, the Democrat ticket is for you. 

If you believe in white anglo saxon protestant (WASP) supremacy, Trump is your candidate. If you believe that having a king or a dictator is better than having a democratically elected public employee, Trump is the candidate for you. If you believe that a New York City yankee with a fake orange tan and fake blonde hair knows it all and can save it all, Trump is your candidate. 

If you believe that "America" was great in the past, you are a racist either by choice or by ignorance. Our country was founded on the back of European racism and colonialism. The country began as a set of 13 racist European colonies. There was nothing great about that. We became a great country when we were able to expand equality to all citizens regardless of gender, race, creed, and so forth. 

In promoting his big lie about the elections, Trump has broken many laws. The Orange Jesus is under investigation and will be metaphorically crucified by the law. Non one is above the law. Not even the so-called MAGA King. Today is a great day to quit MAGA and dump Trump. What do you think?

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