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No one wants to read a post arguing that there is no "white" race. No one wants to read a post stating that human skin is never white, and that human skin is either brown, beige, or black. No one wants to hear that absolutely all Americans are people are people of color because all humans have color. People want to read inspiring stories like the colossal rise and fall of Donald Trump, the Orange Jesus from New York. 

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It's time for Justice

People want to know when and how will justice finally catch up to Trump. We want to know to what extent the old man is an ordinary business criminal like a tax fraud, or a movie-like double agent  selling top nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia and top secret intelligence to Russia. 

People wonder if Trump can ever be prosecuted for planning and inciting on live TV a historic insurrectionist attack against the U.S. Capitol videotaped live simultaneously in hundreds of smart phones. People are also curious to see if the state of Georgia will find the goods to prosecute Trump for election fraud. 

The rule of law

Ultimately, Americans want assurance that we still live under the rule of law in this country. We want to know whether crime pays or not. Is it true that no one is above the law? 

Yes, there is some curiosity about why "white" people don't like being called beige or grouped with people of color. Beige is a color. Correct? It's intriguing that "whites" hate conceding the point. To what extent is white privilege what explains why Trump is still golfing, flying in private jets, and grifting losers nationwide? 

An American king?

For all practical purposes, Trump lives like a modern day king. Some Americans like that and see him as the Yankee version of Jesus Christ. The vast majority of Americans, however, get livid thinking how unfair is that so many Americans are arrested and locked up every day for far less. 

Imagine that any other disgruntled federal official would have taken classified documents to a hotel loaded with foreign workers and visitors. That employee would be surely behind bars already. We all know that with 100% certainty. Why is Trump still living like a Florida gator king? 

Less readers every day?

There seems to be less readers and less critical thinkers these days. There's a whole lot more to read, but seemingly less readers. Eyes and brains prefer easier media with a higher dopamine payload. Netflix, YouTube, Tik Tok, Apple podcasts, and all others are dopamine-triggering platforms that most humans prefer over reading. 

Watching videos and listening to podcasts are more gratifying, at least immediately, than reading. This trend will continue accelerating daily. Reading and writing will continue losing popularity. Hopefully, they will never go away and will thrive as an antique art just for fun and entertainment.

Perhaps reading is like standard dining whereas watching videos is like fast food? Is that a fair analogy? How would you compare the two? There's no need to substitute one for the other. There is a time for each activity. Sometimes we read and write. Sometimes we watch and post videos or podcasts. Right?

It's all about the dopamine. 

A famous Catholic prayer asks for daily bread. It can be revised to asking for daily dopamine. A dopamine high seems to be what the animal brain is constantly craving for. We are organic computers programmed evolutionary (i.e. by inheritance) to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter playing a key role in that silly pain / pleasure mechanism that rules our lives.  

Audio visual content provides more sensory stimuli and thus a stronger or at least faster dopamine hit. Watching videos and listening to podcasts are easier than reading plus get you more dopamine when compared to reading. No wonder reading is becoming less and less popular when compared to the alternatives. To some extent this trend began in the 1950s with the advent of television. Yet the trend keeps increasing.  

Videos and podcasts also allow you to multitask to some extent. The brain loves to multitask because each time you switch between tasks, you get a bonus dopamine hit. Multitasking may reduce your productivity overall, but it feels good and is oftentimes useful. For example, you can safely listen to a podcast while driving whereas reading while driving would be a crazy safety hazard. 

Reading is old school. 

Most readers in the United States are older "white" (beige) folks. No wonder no one wants to read posts stating that no one is white. What we call white skin is actually beige in color. That's right, "white" skin is colored skin. Why do we keep dividing humans into "white" and people of color when we are all people of color? We are not in the 1500s anymore. We are no longer rationalizing and justifying colonization, genocide, and exploitation. Or are we? 

Of course, branding people as "white" affords an incredible social privilege that no one wants to give up. Hence it is painful to accept the truth about beige colored skin. We will continue in denial for a few more centuries. Don't you think?

The rise and fall of Trump

In the meantime, it is so awesome and enjoyable to see the fall of Donald Trump. Back in the 1980s the guy was a real estate tycoon of some sorts. Even back then he played with the idea of running for president. He knew that his best chance would be as a Republican candidate because Republican voters believe anything. The guy is not as dumb as his conduct suggests. 

Eventually Trump ran for president as a Republican and a "Christian conservative" candidate (what a joke; and the joke is on all evangelicals in the United States). Trump stunned the world by winning the electoral college vote to become the 45th president of the United States. Trump lost the popular vote because our Nation as a whole no longer supports conservatism. 

Saved by the electoral college system

The electoral college preserves the conservative pull of less developed states. As Southern and Mid-Western states are developed and continue growing socioeconomically away from the backward pull of Christianity, it will be impossible for conservatism to win presidential elections. Once you go black, you don't get back. The same applies with progress. Once you move forward, you don't trail back. 

A controversial presidency

Trump's presidency was controversial to say the least. For many, Trump was the absolute worst president in the brief American history. For others, Trump was Orange Jesus, savior of the uneducated segment of the "white" race. 

Trump's presidency was profitable for Wall Street and did fairly well for individual private economy.  The combination of lowering taxes, increasing government spending, and printing money fueled the private sector economy. It created a huge public debt problem, which Trump promised to resolve. Trump calls himself the King of Debt. 

Along came Covid

Trump was poised to win a second term in the White House as most presidents do. Along came COVID19, and ruined Trump's re-election plan. In typical elections the economy is the most important issue. Above all, our country is an economic experiment. All of our ancestors came from somewhere else trying to find a better life. Economic activity (i.e. exchange of goods) is essential to a better life. 

In 2020, the economy was not the central issue. The COVID19 pandemic was the central issue. Trump had fumbled miserably his presidential handling of the pandemic big time. Saturday Night Live parodies about Trump's handling of the COVID19 were not funnier because they were actually true. 

The "Mierda's" touch of Trump.

Instead of a Mida's touch turning everything into gold, Trump seems to have a "Mierda's" touch turning everything he touches into shit. The presidency was not an exception. Trump's handling of the COVID19 pandemic was a shit hole, and Trump's biggest political failure. Trump's erratic handling of the health crisis cost him the presidency. 

Trump had never experienced a pandemic in his lifetime. From day one, he dismissed the virus as just another thing that would disappear on its own quickly. Trump has been wrong in millions of other things, but COVID was where he was the most wrong in his political career. 

The Ego King

Trump is an egomaniac who believes that he knows it all. A microscopic virus outsmarted Trump, and proverbially raped him politically. Trump pretended to handle the pandemic as a social media hoax. The virus proved to be very real, killing Americans in record numbers. COVID was a brutal reminder that we have the best medicine and probably the worst health in the world. The health crisis also evolved quickly into an economic crisis that destroyed the whole credibility of the MAGA King and Orange Jesus, Donald Trump. 

Trump was effective expediting the production of vaccines, but ineffective in everything else. Trump left the states to their own devices, which was probably Constitutionally correct, but proved to be politically deadly for Trump. Americans wanted a strong president handling an unprecedented crisis. Most Americans were deeply disappointed in the Trump man.

Beat by a Joe

Ultimately, Trump was beat by Obama's vice president. Trump could not handle the loss. Trump invented a lie, which is perhaps the biggest lie in the history of American politics. To this day, Trump keeps spreading the lie that the elections were somehow and magically stolen. 

There is no evidence that the 2020 elections were stolen. All evidence shows that Trump lost the elections fair and square. Maybe two thousand years from now the big lie is already a religious dogma believed by billions like resurrection. We have seen worse. Just like beige people believing to be "white" instead of beige and not being people of color. Who knows what societies of the future will believe. Will they accept the fact that there is only one race, the human race? Will they accept that all humans are people of color? Will they accept that Joe Biden beat Trump?

Coming up next

The worst is yet to come for Trump. Orange Jesus is facing multiple civil and criminal investigations in all forums possible. More may come as evidence of wrongdoing keeps piling up. While Trump is very vocal on TV and social media, in the legal system he pleads the Fifth Amendment to avoid self incrimination. As Trump famously repeated, only criminals plead the Fifth. 

Countless Americans have gone to jail and served time for significantly far less than what Trump is being investigated for. That includes Americans all of colors and shades of brown, beige, and black. Unless we are living in a sarcastic simulation, Trump will face several indictments and will have to defend himself against several prosecutions. 

Political Asylum

The best move for Trump is to leave the country and never return. Trump should seek political asylum in a foreign country. Brazil may be a good choice these days that the President is a Trump fan. Saudi Arabia and Russia may be great for Trump. 

The Saudis gave Trump's daughter $2 billion dollars recently in exchange of who knows what (classified nuclear secrets?). The money exchange coincided with the Trump stealing classified documents. The Saudis are also moving money around through Trump in a partnership for a supposed golf league. 

Putin may also welcome Trump with open arms. After all, Trump has remained faithful and loyal to Putin all along since the Russian dirty money laundered by Deutsche Bank saved his failing organization according to the rumors on social media.

Trump despises immigrants, but maybe it's time for him to become one in another country. Trump hates Latinos, but perhaps he should be like them. Trump can copy the classic move of so many Cuban athletes. Go somewhere for an event, and never ever return home. 

Trump says that he must "fight" because he is under siege. Trump should know better. Trump and his lower tier lawyers are no match against the U.S. Government. There are also no match against the State of New York and the State of Georgia.  The legal system will crush Trump. 

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