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Do Floridians keep dying in record numbers under Ron DeathSantis? That is what Republican headlines would say if DeSantis was a Democrat. Hurricane Ian killed many Floridians. Is it DeSantis fault? Florida had the most avoidable number of COVID deaths in the Nation. That is what many argue even if it's impossible to prove. Can humans control mother nature? Yes. It requires more science, and less mythology. Less fascism, more freedom. Less racism, more diversity. Less tradition, more progress. 

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"Fat, phony, and whiny." 

Reportedly, that's how the MAGA King describes DeSantis. It sounds as a projection because many describe Trump exactly the same way. DeSantis can be seen as the Catholic Italian American version of Trump. At DeSantis's age, Trump, however, was slender and arguably better looking. If DeSantis does not fit his lifestyle, he may not reach Trump's advanced age, or do so in even worse shape than the king.  

Keeping Florida "Free"? 

DeSantis's re-election campaign slogan is "Keep Florida Free". However, DeSantis is a conservative. Conservatives have a phony definition of freedom. The religious stance on abortion is a clear example.  If a woman is not free to make her own health care choices, how is that freedom? 

The opposition to abortion is based on religious myths. Millions of Americans, and billions around the world, believe in an imaginary male god who magically creates imaginary souls and sends them down to Earth to live inside primate bodies. Sounds like a low budget science fiction script because it is. 

Don't stop believing?

If you dare to trace back the origins of the mythological belief in god you will find that it is just like any other urban legend. Humans are storytelling primates. We are so good at storytelling that we end up believing our own stories. The beliefs in supernatural powers go back to the imagination of primitive hunter gatherers who created stories about themselves and their surroundings. The mere fact that these stories are ancient does not make them true. The fact that so many people believe them does not make them true.

To this date, people still believe ancient myths about gods because these religious myths have been brutally enforced and continually repeated throughout the centuries.  The human brain can believe anything that is repeated long enough until it get connected in neural synapses as "true". 

The younger the brain that gets indoctrinated with the neural "truth", the stronger the belief. The more that it is repeated and emphasized, the stronger the neural connection gets. Culture enforces the belief in god every single minute of the day, 24/7, 365 days a year. No wonder there are so many fools repeating the same thing. No wonder the Catholic church insisted in early child "education". 

Believers cannot prove their mythical stories yet want to force others into believing them. That is not freedom, but the opposite of it. Unlike the "Christ", evangelical Christians are political activists trying to impose their imaginary faith onto others. Catholics are very much fascists in that regard too. Women cannot get abortions "because god doesn't want them to have them". Ludicrous. 

Believers cannot prove the existence of their imaginary god. When it comes to most evangelicals, when you ask them why they do not live according to the rules and standards of Jesus Christ, they choke. Jesus was a queer liberal who was crucified by the conservatives of his times. Yet, many Christians today are conservatives trying to impose their imaginary beliefs onto everyone by political activism. They even support Donald Trump for crying out loud. What would Jesus say about Trump?

DeathSantis is a conservative Catholic fascist. Believers can impose any ruling regardless of the consequences because whatever happens is the "plan" of their imaginary god. They proclaim to know what their imaginary god wants. Back in the day, more primitive humans offered sacrifices to the gods. Today, conservatives like Catholic DeathSantis do the same by sacrificing women's health based on ancient godly myths. 

Food for thought. What do you think? 

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