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Can Ron DeSantis break the pizza ceiling? The United States has never had an Italian American president. DeSantis could be the first one. DeSantis has the best chances of becoming our first Italian American president in history. It all depends on the timing of Trump's indictment for violations of the Espionage Act, and the resolution of all other legal investigations and upcoming proceedings against the Trump man. DeSantis cannot beat Trump, but if Democrats succeed in burying Trump under the weight of all the laws he has broken, DeSantis has a decent chance of winning the Republican nomination and turning the 2024 presidential elections into a interesting toss up. 

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Italian Americans along with Irish Americans, Polish Americans, and other non-WASP Europeans used to be the low class whites in America. In a WASP dominated country, these Catholics used to occupy the bottom caste in the American white world. This was especially true during segregation when "people of color" were not allowed to perform certain duties. Italians and so forth were the blacks of Europe in the views of the WASP ruling class. 

The WASP majority discriminated heavily against Italian Americans and other non-WASP European immigrants who came here later. After the civil rights movement, "people of color" were upgraded a notch, which also upgraded the social status of Italians and other European Catholics. WASP prejudice and bias against Italians and other non-WASP Europeans continued. 

Italian Americans have been always seen as an inferior group due to ethnic and racist stereotypes. Our country, just like all other countries in the world, has a history marked by tribalism. What has made us great is that we battle it and keep making progress towards ending racism and wrongful discrimination. We keep making progress and every day our country is more diverse and more inclusive. That's what makes us a great Nation.   

No one should be offended, or become defensive about our discriminatory colonial past. This applies also to slavery, which the vast majority of Americans gets wrong all the time. Culturally, we are made believe that colonial Americans somehow invented slavery, or that slavery always had a "racial" connotation. Nothing can be farther from the truth. 

Slavery existed for millennia before the colonization of the Americas, and before it had any sort of racial or transcontinental connotation. Initially, slavery was regional with slaves and masters being members of the same "race". 

Slavery began with the invention of agriculture and the human realization that someone had to work the land and care for farm animals. Those who could force others to work for them and for free, forced them. Slavery was the norm in all "great" civilizations of human history. Slavery lasted for millennia until humanity was able to gradually progress out of it. Progress takes learning, which for human primates takes a long time. 

Slavery is regrettable. However, there is no need to feel ashamed of it just like there is no need to feel ashamed of all the other barbaric brutalities committed by our ancient and primitive human ancestors of the past. We simply need to learn from their mistakes. For example, those same ancient and primitive humans were the ones who invented the imaginary gods or "only one god" that billions of modern day humans still believe in. Perhaps that is more shameful and questionable. How do we keep ruling modern day life based on ancient dogmas created by ancient men and attributed to an imaginary male god hiding in heaven enjoying sadistically the suffering of his human plebes for his unknown purposes and reasons. What a silly fantasy. 

Going back to DeSantis, he may be become the first Italian American president if Trump is locked up. He would need significant help from Democrats and many Republicans who can form an effective coalition to bury Trump under the weight of his crimes. 

Allegedly Trump committed many crimes, and is not a king above the law. DeSantis and many other conservatives will find covert ways of secretly backstabbing the king without the MAGA crowd to realize what is going on. Otherwise, Trump will win the Republican nomination again, and lose the presidential elections again. Trump is a viable MAGA Republican candidate, but is not a viable nationwide candidate. The majority of American voters reject Trump as an egomaniac dictator wannabe. 

Hurricane Ian and the many more hurricanes going to Florida will also play a role in DeSantis's potential run in 2024. From a Trump wannabe bully, who illegally spent Florida public funds essentially kidnapping Venezuelan asylum seekers in Texas to fly them to Martha's Vineyard as a political stunt, hurricane Ian has turned DeSantis into a shameful beggar for federal relief funding. As a Congressperson, he used to vote against hurricane relief fund. Now he is begging for it plus also seeking private donations. 

The worst is yet to come for DeSantis and the wake of Ian. People get united and rally behind the governor, whoever it may be, during an emergency. After the emergency, however, when is time to rebuild and repair, people get angry and frustrated easily. That anger and frustration is typically turned against the leader who was in charge during the disaster. When that leader is a conservative climate change denier that did not do enough to protect the citizens because he was distracted running for president, kidnapping nonwhite immigrants, and proposing a national abortion ban, chances are that the majority of independent voters will rebel. 

DeSantis is a conservative, climate change denier. Florida was hit with a catastrophic hurricane fueled by the every day warmer waters of the climate change crisis that Republicans wish to ignore away like Trump wished to ignore COVID away.  To make matters worse, under DeSantis there is a home insurance crisis in Florida as the industry has collapsed after so many catastrophic hurricanes hitting the state year after year. 

Millions of Floridians will be hell mad and frustrated in the upcoming weeks coping with the aftermath of Ian. Democrats and independent voters will rally against DeSantis, blaming him for Ian's disaster. From DeathSantis, Ron can now get another nickname: Ron DeSaster. 

Food for thought. What do you think. 

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