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A slow and steady pace towards securing a shameful political death of Donald Trump will benefit the Nation. Understandably, most Americans are sick and tired of Trump and his racist and fascist cult. Most Americans want an immediate end to the Trump nightmare. Some want to see Trump indicted and convicted overnight. Others prefer a massive heart attack, or whatever else may wipe him out for good. Patience is a virtue. It is better to keep killing Trump's political movement slowly and steadily. It will teach a better and more comprehensive lesson about the need to end racism and avoid fascism.   

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Patience is a virtue. 

It is better to bury Trump alive under the weight of the law, one day at a time. We will prove that no one is above the law in our country. Not even the MAGA King himself will escape justice. As any other American, Trump is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. That is the goal, and that will take time. As all the criminal and civil fraud evidence continues to pile up against Trump, the Nation will prove that no one is above the law and that crime does not does not pay.

Racism does not pay either. Democracy is better than the alternative. Life is good. As we continue the daily prosecution of Trump, he will become an example of everything that an American leader should not be. 

Trump will go down in history as a human shame similar to Hitler and Putin yet stopped before he could become exactly like them. American justice is like no other. American justice will catch up with Trump. Most Americans will be proud of the careful and methodical prosecution. We will all better off because of it. In the criminal case of the people of the United States versus Trump, the people will prevail.  

Trump did win the presidential elections of 2016. He mobilized racism like no other modern politician had done. The majority of voters learned from the mistake. Trump lost the 2020 elections. The loss was devastating for Trump. He then became the biggest sore loser in our Nation's history. 

To this date, Trump insists on selling the lie about stolen elections. No one with a sane mind believes it. In the meantime, the FBI and DOJ are putting together a criminal case against Trump. The FBI caught Trump in possession of stolen Top Secret classified documents. As we all know and agree, that is a serious federal felony that must be prosecuted. Trump will be indicted by a federal grand jury early next year. 

In addition to the apparent crime of stealing classified documents from the White House, Trump is the subject of other criminal and civil investigations including but not limited to espionage, seditious conspiracy to incite an insurrection, conspiring to criminally interfere with the results of elections, and tax evasion.  

MAGA is paying Trump's legal fees with the hopes that the MAGA King can survive the process. Trump is MAGA's best chance of getting back to power in America. The MAGA base is composed of disgruntled "white" (beige) Americans. MAGA folks feel betrayed and abandoned by the establishment. Trump is MAGA's mercenary against the establishment. 

MAGA is composed primarily of conservative "white" (beige) Americans of anglo saxon descent. MAGA wants to take the country back to its racist and colonial roots. MAGA is a battle against progress, liberalism, and globalism.  

Initially, the great American experiment was based on all "white" (color beige) men of anglo saxon descent being equal. Europe had a caste or class system flowing down from royalty to nobility all the way to the bottom white "trash". In America, the "trash" could be above the "inferior" races. All men could be equal provided that the women and "minorities" were unequal.  

The legal changes after the Civil War gradually ended white supremacy in our country. Changes in civil right laws and in immigration laws made our country diverse and inclusive. Low class "whites" remained stuck in the bottom. 

Legal changes meant that the white "trash" could no longer oppress the "inferior" races. For decades it remained acceptable to oppress them culturally. Even that changed through the years as culture progressed into a diverse and inclusive society. And that is the beef of the MAGA base. Liberals changed society. White "trash" was left behind. Liberals brought "better" immigrants to do everything that the "white trash" either could not do (e.g. not enough education) or would not do (e.g. too much pride, laziness, or both).

MAGA is the white "trash" movement trying to take the country "back" and backwards into our colonial past. It is not going to happen. We are having to much fun burying Trump and MAGA alive under the weight of the law. MAGA can no longer win elections as the movement is discredited and lacks sufficient voters. Thus the move towards extremism and fascism.

Since MAGA can no longer win democratically, the idea is to bring down our democracy. We are fighting back. Trump made it easy by committing crimes at daylight and confessing on social media. To put him away quickly would allow MAGA to regroup quickly. It is better to let MAGA fly around Trump like flies circle around poop. It stinks, but dries up and dies away eventually. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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