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Politics is a competition for power. Politics in our country is a competitive sport. By definition, there will be a winning side and a losing one. The candidate / party that can mobilize the most voters to the polls on election day wins. The one with less votes, loses. It's that simple. The question is how you motivate people to vote, and vote for your side. Emotional issues are key; everything else is irrelevant. In the upcoming primaries, inflation and nonwhite immigrants (NWIs) will motivate Republicans. Forced pregnancies and anti Trumpism will motivate Democrats. 

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Rational arguments are irrelevant. We spend so much time trying to come up with rational arguments that can change minds, that we fool ourselves into believing that voting is a rational exercise. It is not. Politics is an emotional human endeavor. 

Emotions are the key to determine if someone is going to vote, and if so, for whom. How people feel emotionally about the issues, and whether or not these emotions will be sufficient to motivate them to take action are the key questions. 

The two primal emotions of fear and greed win or lose elections. Voters choose whether to vote, and for whom, based on perceived benefit payload of the action. Like everything else in life, the decision is controlled by pain and pleasure. 

Humans, like all other animals, are evolutionarily programmed to avoid pain and seek pleasure. That's how all of our ancestors survived. You inherited that survival trait. It is not design; it's happenstance over a long period of time.  

The activities that you find pleasurable happen to be the activities that promote survival. Your ancestors found the same activities pleasurable, and thus the traits and inclinations are passed from one generation of survivors to the next. The same happens with activities that you find painful. They tend to promote extinction. All your ancestors found them painful too and avoided them, which helped the survive. The aversion survived in you. 

Imagine there was a group that found eating and having sex pleasurable. They sought the pleasure derived from those activities. Imagine another group that found the same activities painful and thus avoided them. Which group survived? Which group passes their traits to the next generation? 

Humans vote based on the perceived benefits, avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. Rational arguments are irrelevant. Emotional reactions are everything. Rational arguments are irrelevant because each party will apply self-serving definitions and logical frameworks to spin the issues in their favor. Each side will propose its own version of the "truth". 

The truth, whatever it may be, is disregarded if it is inconvenient to the perceived interests involved. Imagine that you believe that stealing is wrong and should be prosecuted. Imagine that you believe that stealing classified Top Secret documents is a crime. Now imagine that your leader is caught in possession of stolen property in the form of classified Top Secret documents. You quickly find your previous belief to be inconvenient. All of a sudden for you the act is no longer a punishable offense. You rationalize and move on.  Imagine that you believe in open borders to grow the economy and promote human rights. Imagine that the NWIs are sent to your community. All of a sudden you find your open border policy inconvenient. You rationalize and move on.  

You win or lose elections depending on whether you can mobilize people to the polls or not. The only two emotions that matter when motivating human action are fear and greed. You must be afraid enough or greedy enough to take action. Otherwise, inertia and neutral energy conservation take over and you do nothing.  

It is yet to be seen which party will be able to mobilize more voters in the upcoming November elections. One side will spread fear about inflation and NWIs plus greed about white supremacy utopia. The other side will spread fear about forced pregnancies and rural white fascism plus greed about the economic prospects of globalism.  

We are living in the most exciting times in human history. Life is good and has never ever been better on this planet. Yet many live in fear thinking that the dead past was better than the promise of a living future. 

Within the next century, humanity will create the next generation of life taking over the planet. That will be an enhanced humanity with alternative intelligence harnessed by microchips embedded in our brains. Sensors will monitor and upkeep our safety and homeostatic health. Eventually, a meatless intelligence (MI) will take over. MI will survive in a planet that will no longer be entirely suitable for meat based life like ordinary 2022 humans. Life is good. The best is yet to come.

If you don't have too much Netflix to watch, get ready to vote in November. Vote for whoever you feel will benefit you. More than 80% of voters will vote based on tribal affiliation. Racism vs elitism will continue. Nationalism vs globalism will continue. Be happy regardless of who wins. We will be okay. Life will be okay.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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