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Of god - abortion - gender - illegal immigration (Ogagii). Welcome to Ogagii, a controversial discussion about controversial topics. God is the greatest human invention of all times. Abortion is a human right. Gender is fluid. Illegal immigration is illegal. That is basically the liberal position on Ogagii. Do you agree? 

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God exists. God exists in the human mind. The question is whether there are gods outside of the realm of human fiction and imagination. No one to this date has been able to prove empirically the existence of gods. Tracking the evidence as far back as we can go, the facts lead to imaginary stories invented by primitive humans. 

Abortion is the practice of killing or terminating the life of a zygote, a fetus, or an embryo. The question is whether said killing should be legal or illegal. That requires exercise of human judgement. To base the decision based on the rulings of an imaginary god or gods is too primitive for 2022. 

Gender is the spectrum realm from feminine to masculine. The question is whether humans are bound to biological gender. That requires human judgement. To base it on the alleged preferences of an imaginary god or set of gods is too primitive for 2022.

Illegal immigration is crossing international borders without authorization. Laws should be enforced to maintain civilized order in society.

The gods

There is no evidence about the existence of gods and super natural creatures ruling humanity. Yet billions of humans insist on forcing beliefs in gods. Some humans insist that there is only one god. By the way, they imagine that god to be a male (a "father") in heaven. 

Believing in gods, or the one god of the Middle East, can be very useful for humanity. It can be a good thing. It is used to impose discipline and order. In the past, people would be forced to believe the story or face persecution. Times are better now. Not too many people are getting the heads chopped off for failing to accept the story of Jesus Christ or his heavenly father, the god of the dessert, Jehohvah or Yaweh. 


What a fascinating issue. Who has the right to terminate a seed that may turn into a human baby? Mothers do. Some argue that "god" germinated that seed and gets to decide whether it lives or dies. That supposed god saying that is nowhere to be found. Only humans are making the argument hiding behind the imposed fear about that imaginary god. 

Until that god can show up and express its supernatural views and points, mothers get to decide whether abortion is right or wrong. Governments should not enforce stories and justifications based on imaginary gods. Between women ruling their own bodies and an imaginary male god telling them what to do via men, it is obvious that governments must let women decide. What do you think? 

If the concern is not religious, but rather humanitarian in the sense of not inflicting pain on the seed (zygote, fetus, embryo), keep in mind that under proper medical care and anesthesia, the germinated seed does not feel pain. 

The human body kills and terminates living cells daily. Failure to do so is a disease called cancer. Killing or terminating germinated seeds that are not babies and not legal persons yet is no different at all.  What do you think?


Biology is not fate. Life is too short. Provided that you are not hurting others, live your life how you want to live it. You want to live it like a woman, do it, Wanna live it like a man, go for it. Anything in between, be our guest. It's your life. Make us proud. Enjoy it. 

Some people will tell you that their imaginary god wants you to live your life as either a man or a woman. Tell them that once they can proof the existence of gods, you'll listen more. Once the gods show up, you may be afraid enough to follow their commands. In the meantime, go pound sand. 

Stop living your life based on arbitrary rulings of primitive people who stood behind imaginary gods. We know better than that. Time does not go in vain. Have religious fools prove the existence of their gods before you follow their wishes. Read how religion has been used to control people. Not that atheist communism is any better. Democratic liberalism can be in fact more liberating. Don't you think?

Chances are that religious people are trying to rule your life hiding behind imaginary gods and spreading fear about the wrath of such merciless god. You won't do things because Batman, Spiderman, or Wonder Woman tell you. You wouldn't be afraid of them. Why would you live your life based on what others tell you about the imaginary superhero god? It's 2022 for crying out loud. We know better than that. We don't let our ignorance about everything that we don't know to dictate our conduct. Or do we? What do you think? 

Thought control 

Stop telling people how to live their lives. You want to believe in gods for your own sake, that's all fine and well. You want to impose your beliefs onto others, that is not fine and not well. Let people decide gender on their own. If your argument is based on imaginary gods, keep it to yourself. 

Find ways of protecting children so that they can decide how to live their own lives in productive ways without hurting others. Get the government out of the rest. Cut the imaginary bullshit. Keep calm and carry on.  

Illegal Immigration

Immigration laws should be enforced to keep order. That is common sense based on practical convenience. It has nothing to do with imaginary gods. It has nothing to do with right of wrong. It has everything to do with utilitarian social order. 

Is there a way of stopping the flow of illegal immigrants into our country? If a border wall helps, let's go for it. Yeah, let's build a wall if that can help. Chances are that they will begin using boats to come by sea; and private airplanes to come by air.  This is a tough one. Suggestions wanted. We don't have all the answers. 

Food for thought. What do you think. 


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