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DeSantis - Giuliani 2024. Imagine for a moment such a "dream" presidential ticket. An Italian-American, Catholic-Fascist, Racist-Republican, presidential ticket to illustrate the current state of our politics. Such ticket would fail because it wouldn't be "white" enough for the Republican base. 

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DeSantis and Giuliani are considered "white" (i.e. beige colored skin from European descent). However, they are not white anglo saxon protestant (WASP). Therefore, they are not white enough to carry the day for Republicans. 

DeSantis is a young version of Rudy Giuliani. For him, the worst is yet to come in Republican politics. Ron is today what Rudy was twenty years ago. Out of their micro cosmos they surged in National recognition after an unprecedented crisis.

Rudy was America's mayor after 9-1-1. As the mayor of New York City, he led the city during the aftermath of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. The Nation rallied behind him and Bush II. The rest is history.

Ron DeSantis is the governor of Florida. He won by a tiny margin barely beating a black Democrat opponent. He was a nobody in national politics until the COVID19 made him famous. It was an easy task for DeSantis. All he had to do was the opposite of what Democratic states like New York and California decided to do. That was enough to win him air time nationwide. 

DeSantis, just like Giuliani, became president wannabes. They think that the happenstance of being in the spotlight during an unprecedented crisis will be enough. Unfortunately for them, it would not be enough. It's not about the substantive issues. It's about the underlying emotional issue for Republicans. The Republican political race is all about "race".

Just like Giuliani, DeSantis is an Italian-American not seen as white enough by the Republican base. The Republican party currently stands for re-establishing a WASP supremacy patriarchy in our country. Social progress left WASP men behind. They look backwards and see that they had a more prominent role in the past. They wish that we could go back. 

Our country's history is based on racism and colonialism. To go back to history and tradition can only mean going back to racism and colonialism. Luckily, progress is like time itself. It only flows in one direction. There is no way to go back in time. 

The Republican party today is a racist political organization dedicated to re-establishing a WASP patriarchy in what they call their America. Our country was founded by racist Europeans. Thus anything that treasures tradition means going back to a racist colonial country by definition. 

The United States has become a diverse and inclusive country where being WASP no longer guarantees socioeconomic supremacy. To be sure, being WASP still carries a disproportionate amount of socioeconomic privilege in our country. However, the colonial WASP edge keeps eroding day by day. 

As the Nation keeps growing and becoming more diverse, being WASP is increasingly becoming irrelevant and inconvenient. That change brings a lot of psychological pain to many WASP and WASP wannabes like Rudy and Ron.  

DeSantis and Giuliani have many things in common, the most pathetic of which is their blind support of Trump. 

The most pathetic similarity between DeSantis and Giuliani is their fervent support of Trump. Both Giuliani and DeSantis will go down in history as Italian Americans of Catholic fascism inclinations who fell in love with the racist message so crassly delivered by their WASP saint, Donald Trump. 

Both DeSantis and Giuliani are Catholic Italian Americans and that explains a lot. Catholicism is the mother of fascism. Traditional Catholicism is the philosophical root of fascism. The Catholic church controlled the world back in the day. Dissidence was not allowed and persecuted. The Catholic church was always the moral backbone behind all fascist governments in Italy and all other places where the uniquely Catholic and Italian form of police state took hold, especially in Latin America. 

WASP Discrimination 

Italian Americans were victims of WASP bullying and discrimination for decades. WASPs were brutal bullies against the "inferior" Catholic Europeans such as Italians and Irish. The main reason was tribalism of course, in the view of us vs them (i.e. evangelical protestants vs Catholics).  

During segregation, Italian Americans, Irish, Polish, and other Catholic and non-WASP Europeans were the "blacks" of the American scene. After segregation, these white Catholics were elevated in status over non-European groups. 

Gradually, as the Nation became more of a "white vs black" landscape during the Civil War era, the white Catholics could become liberals as the majority did, or could become conservatives such as Ron  and Rudy. 

Giuliani and DeSantis are examples of Italian American Catholics who went conservative. They idolized WASP men seeing them as superior in everything. Hence their adoration of a pathetic egomaniac loser such as Donald Trump.

As Italian American Catholics, DeSantis and Giuliani also share similarities in their inclinations towards racism. Giuliani's racism is significantly more documented than DeSantis's. After all, Rudy was born in the 1940s when racism was still the acceptable norm both legally and culturally. DeSantis is younger and thus his Southern stride of racism is more covert and subtle.  

Both DeSantis and Giuliani, as many other "white" Catholics thank their imaginary Jewish god (father of JC, a liberal jew) for being "white". The Catholic faith preaches a dogma that there is only one god creator of everything around us. That mythological god is said to have created men to "his image" and created women to entertain men. 

Italian American Catholic men like DeSantis and Giuliani feel proud of being "white" men created to the image of their imaginary god, with women to entertain them, and with "inferior" men to serve them. They intuitively see all this as being part of the mysterious plan of god. Of course, it's all fiction created by primitive men looking for ways to rule the world. It has worked well for millennia. It will continue around for millennia.   

Ron, as Rudy did years ago, believes that due to his popularity during an unprecedented National crisis, he could carry enough Republican votes to win the White House. Ron is not WASP. Ron is not white enough to mobilize enough Republicans. That's why the party still favors Orange Jesus. What do you think?

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