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There is a disconnect between traditional Christianity and MAGA's version of Christianity. Jesus Christ was a Jewish liberal who stayed out of politics while advocating for poverty, peace, and love until he was crucified to death by the conservatives of his times. MAGA Christians are conservatives, seeking financial prosperity through re-establishing white supremacy through fascism if necessary. MAGA's mission is to take the country "back" by force if needed (e.g. J6 insurrection) and take it backwards (i.e. white patriarchy and other historical traditions). 

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The most curious and mind-boggling aspect of MAGA Christianity is the idolatry of Donald J Trump, who is essentially the anti Christ. You cannot think of someone more radically opposite to JC than DJT. Yet, MAGA Christians are attracted to Trump like flies are attracted to poop.

To be sure, Democrats are not angels and are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. The biggest concern about Democrats, or at least about the far left end of the spectrum, is the inclination for socialism and communism. 

In many past elections, it made perfect sense for normal and centrist Americans to vote for Republicans over Democrats. However, something incredible happened in 2016. Extremism took over the Republican party. Trump and MAGA took over. MAGA is a bizarre coalition of racists, fascists, and religious extremists with absolute control over the new  Republican party. On the other hand, the fears of Democrats becoming socialists and communists have not materialized. Between MAGA Republicans and Biden Democrats, the latter seem more centric and less extremists. 

Abortion is a winning issue for Democrats.

To some extent, MAGA folks have been fooled by religious ultra conservatives. Abortion is a good example. The majority of MAGA folks are not that religious. You can tell by seeing how they behave and how they follow Trump. 

Most MAGA women would rather have a choice in controlling their own bodies and sex life. Everyone knows that under proper anesthesia administered by a medical doctor, a cyst, embryo, or fetus does not feel any pain. However, the ultra religious have a different anti-abortion agenda based on their imaginary gods and religious dogmas.

Immigration is a winning issue for Republicans.

Anti-immigration is the binding force in the MAGA coalition. In that, all MAGA are together. Many Democrats also agree. We need better immigration controls in our country. An open border policy is not sustainable. We need to smart immigration laws and effective enforcement. We need immigrants to promote economic growth yet we need to be smart and civilized about it. 

Gun rights cuts both ways. 

MAGA folks love their guns more than they love Trump. Guns are the only thing that MAGA folks adore more than Trump. The only thing that Trump could do to lose MAGA support would be to try to outlaw guns. Although Trump is a New Yorker who personally detests guns and does not own or carry them, he is smart enough to know that they are absolutely sacred to the MAGA masses. 

Smart gun legislation is the key, and it will be tough to pass. Technology can help make guns safer, but that will take decades. In the meantime, mass shootings will continue being a part of American life. Just like traffic jams and car accidents, the abundance of guns in our country is currently part of the price that we pay for our freedom and for being Americans. 

Law and order

Law and order used to be a stronghold for Republicans. Not anymore that Trump is potentially a criminal suspect rallying against the FBI and DOJ. MAGA supports Trump and in so doing has lost the moral high ground to insist on law and order.

We are living the most interesting and fascinating time in American politics. Do yourself a favor. Vote. Whether you vote Republican, Democrat, or something else, be proud of having the right to vote.   

Food for thought. What do you think?  


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