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Here's a little "secret" about MAGA: it's a racist and fascist movement. That's why so many Americans find it so appealing, attractive, and quite frankly, addictive. Of course, not all MAGA folks are racists and fascists. Yet the movement itself is. MAGA gives some the hope and illusion that there is a way of returning to an imaginary perfect past era of unapologetic European ("white") supremacy in our country. There is no way to go back in time. In addition, where a movement is led by an egomaniac under multiple criminal investigations, the prospects of success are not looking good. Today is a good day as any to quit MAGA and dump Trump.

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Making America "White" Again

Making America "great again" is an euphemism or code speak for making America "white" again. Initially, this was not widely known or understood. Many thought that MAGA was a traditional conservative movement trying to stop liberal progress. By now, it is more widely known and perceived that MAGA is not only about stopping social change, but is also about re-imposing the legal and cultural supremacy that Americans of European descent (typically of beige colored skin and called "whites") enjoyed in our country for so long. 

When MAGA refers to "great again", the reference is to that point in our history when patriarchal European supremacy was the acceptable legal and cultural norm. MAGA is so fascinated by the perceived reward of re-establishing that so-called "white" supremacy, that the group is willing to do it through forceful government / police state enforcement / dictatorial fascism if necessary. As MAGA demonstrates daily, they would rather live under a king or dictator that favors their political agenda than accepting the results of democratic elections. 

Not all MAGA are racists

Presumably, one would assume, not all MAGA followers are evil racists and fascists. Many are, especially in the leadership ranks from Trump down, but some may be just innocent people who don't even realize why they are so attracted to MAGA in the first place. It's all part of cultural indoctrination in our country. Most Americans have been culturally indoctrinated to see "nonwhites" as both an inferior category and a dangerous threat to the country. Not surprisingly, they see MAGA as a way to control and diminish that "threat".

Many MAGA folks perceive "nonwhites" as a threat to our country. Many MAGA folks believe in the concept of "races", and see American life as zero sum where if one "race" wins, another must lose. When you think in zero sum terms, not only do you think in binary "us vs them" terms, but think in exclusionary terms believing that if the "others" win, you will necessarily lose.

Political Affiliations

There are two interrelated or interconnected ways by which you choose your political affiliation. None has to do with intellectual reasoning or rational arguments. You choose political affiliation by allegiance to a group or tribe, and by repulsion or rejection of another tribe. 

Most political decisions at the individual level are based on self-identity and emotional group affiliation. Regardless of rational arguments, for the most part people vote based on emotional tribal connections. For example, rural whites vote like other rural whites; and urban blacks vote like other urban blacks. Moreover, the groups seek to vote in opposite ways under the premise that what "they" are for, "we" must be against of, and vice versa. 

Of Guns and MAGA

With the exception of gun control laws, rural whites will vote against anything that urban blacks vote for. The only thing that rural whites would vote consistently in favor of, regardless of how urban blacks may vote, is guns. That is, regardless of whether blacks favor or disfavor guns, rural whites will always favor guns. Guns, by the way, are the only thing that MAGA folks treasure more than Trump. MAGA folks would dump Trump only if, only if, Trump were to propose controlling guns, or almighty "god" forbid, propose to repeal the sacred Second Amendment.  

Understanding MAGA's obsession with guns is key to understanding the gravitational pull of the movement. Our country began as a racist experiment under guns. We say that is one Nation under "god", but in reality, it was one Nation under the power of guns. Guns allowed people of beige color ("white") to steal the land from the "redskin" Asian populations that inhabited the land for millennia prior to the European invasion. Guns allowed Europeans to enslaved Africans to work the land for free. Guns allowed the first Americans to dream about equality. 

The Original American Dream 

Just like MAGA today, the original American Dream was based on racism. The idea was that the "inferior races" would do the hard work that the low class of "white trash" used to do in Europe. Therefore, all "whites" could be equal in America. There was no need for a class structure within "whites" because "people of color" (as is beige was not a color) would do the hard work. 

Provided that "nonwhites" be the low class, all "whites" could be in the same class. There was no need for a monarchy and a nobility, plus there was no need for commoners or "trash". All "whites" could be equal thanks to the grace of god and the creation of "inferior" infidels and savages. That was made America "great". That is how the West was won. That is what MAGA looks forward to go backwards to.

The laws of attraction

Many Americans find MAGA attractive, appealing, and even addictive. Many don't even realize that it is American racism at its core what makes MAGA so "sexy". Imagine feeling superior just because you were randomly born with beige colored skin. Imagine a whole system of cultural and religious institutions making you believe that a "white" god created you superior to other humans. It is easy to fall for the trap of racism. It is better to escape that trap. 

The world is becoming smaller and more diverse. The fastest growing economies are Africa and oil rich emirates and countries in the Arabia. Diverse and inclusive countries like the United States and Canada have all the potential to keep leading the world in the next 50 years. The key is to keep weeding out racism from its root.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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