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Killing unborn babies by terminating unwanted pregnancies can save the world and reduce inflation. Every mother who does not want to carry a pregnancy to full term should be encouraged to consider abortion under proper medical supervision. With about 250 babies being born every minute in the world, we are headed to an overpopulation crisis. If the baby life was sent by god, he should have a no questions asked return policy to avoid killing the planet. As an additional bonus for killing unwanted unborn babies, the sacred practice should help us alleviate inflation.

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Killing unborn babies in self defense

We all agree that killing another person is proper when done in self defense. In addition, some countries allow people to end their own lives under certain circumstances (euthanasia) such as terminal illnesses. In the United States it is okay to kill certain violent criminals after due process of law (i.e. capital punishment). Killing unwanted unborn babies should not only be universally allowed, but highly encouraged to defend the life of the mother and to defend the life of Earth.  

Abortion is a self defense human right that helps the world from the risks of overpopulation and moral decay. The killing of unborn babies is controversial in the United States. The opposition to the humane killing of unborn babies by terminating unwanted pregnancies comes from religious misinterpretation. Some argue that the unborn babies are gifts from an imaginary god sitting in heaven. Somehow, mothers cannot return the gift to the sender. Some also argue that the unborn babies should be protected from the the pain and suffering of being killed at such an early age. 

On the pain and suffering argument, it should be noted that a proper medical procedure under localized anesthesia protects the unborn baby from any pain and suffering. On the religious argument, it should be noted that the god / creator can handle rejection and has a no questions asked return policy.  

The right to kill unborn babies in a medically sound and painless manner should be a universal human right protected by law. Governments should not be allowed to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies for any reason. If the fear is that the imaginary god in heaven will get mad, fear no more. God can handle rejection and keeps a no questions asked return policy on his baby soul store. 

Abortion is health care. 

A zigot, embryo, or fetus is not a person yet. With proper anesthesia, that cell cluster growing like a parasite in the womb will not feel any pain as it is returned to the bloodstream. If you believe that an imaginary god will punish you for returning the gift, you are wrong. Jesus explained that the heavenly father is loving and caring. The father understands and loves humanity. The father has a very successful gift program with about 250 babies born each minute around the world, 24/7, 265 days a year. The father surely has a no-questions asked return policy on unwanted baby souls. 

Abortions should be honored and celebrated. Killing an unborn baby is just returning the gift back to the heavenly father. There is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. We should have a National Abortion Day in this country. 

If you decide for abortion, be proud and happy. You are saving a life from suffering and you are saving planet Earth for overpopulation. Party like Jesus. JC's first miracle was turning water into wine. Although it is better to stay sober because alcohol is a killer. Above all, do not be afraid of the judgement of the heavenly father. He's an old, loving and caring wise man. Rejoice and be merry because Jesus already saved your soul by dying crucified in the hands of the conservatives of his times. 

Conservatives tend to stay stuck in tradition and get a few things wrong. Overpopulation is detrimental to our planet. Forcing women to have unwanted babies also promotes inflation, which for conservatives say is the #1 issue nowadays. Babies are expensive. Social services are expensive. The less unwanted babies pooping around, the better for all of us. 

If you are a religious conservative, just reframe your understanding of the issue. Pray to your imaginary god for enhanced cognitive awareness that can help you see the positive side of abortions. If you are a conservative, you are most likely in favor of killing life such as lovely pigs and cows to feast your monkey appetite. You may also be in favor of hunting deer and other defenseless creatures just for entertainment on Saturday before praying in Sunday. If it's okay to kill other animals just for fun or pleasure, open your mind to see that it is totally okay to kill unborn humans to save the planet and reduce inflation. What do you think?

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