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What is next in digital technology? The simple answer is more of it. More IT and more of it. The next decades will keep expanding the digital revolution that began a few decades ago. The digitalization of everything will continue.

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The history of humanity can be told from the perspective of the technologies (tools and methods) helping humans survive and thrive. During the stone age, humans were hunter gatherers using stone tools and methods to cut meats, develop weapons, etc. The agricultural era brought technologies (tools and methods) based on planting seeds and domesticating farm animals. The bronze age and the iron age brought tools and methods based on metals. The industrial revolution brought tools and methods based on machines that were first powered by steam and later by electricity. Each age or revolution sparked growth and the development of more accessory tools and methods. 

The digital age brings machines that can process digits to expand human cognitive power. Digital technology codifies any input into binary digits that are either one or zero. The computational processing machine or "computer" applies programmed processes to the digits to turn them into other digits. That is, input is processed into output following programmed rules and processes. The advantage of digital processing by computers is speed. 

Computers can process digital information significantly faster than human brains. Let's use as an example word search. Imagine you are tasked with highlighting the word "because" every time it appears in the Bible. It will take you a lot of time. Imagine now that we program a computer to accomplish the same task. The whole Bible is codified (translated if you will) into binary digits. Each letter gets a binary code of zeros and ones. To keep it simple, let's say that a is 001, b is 010, c is 100, so and so forth. Let's say that the combined code for the word "because" is 01000110101100110010010 (whatever). A programming script (a set of data processing rules also in binary digital form) instructs the computer to search for that code. Another script instructs the computer to place a yellow highlight mark over the representation of the code. After you hit enter, in less than a second, the computer finds all instances of the word "because" in the Bible, and highlights them in the screen in front you. 

Think about mathematics as another example. This is another technology (tool and method) that codifies or translates reality into numbers and numeric representations. The human brain can process the numbers to get information and predict results. Once again, computers can process the numbers turned into digits significantly faster than the human brain. In fractions of a second, computers can calculate or compute formulas that would take hours, days, or weeks for humans to solve. 

With that godly ability to process data and create information, humans can accomplish more.The digital age began in or around the 1980s. We are in October 2022 and by now have seen an explosion in digital growth. This is just beginning. In the next decades you will see more and more digitization of everything. 

In the years to come everything that exists will be turned into digits for computers to process into different outputs. Even your thoughts will be digitized and processed by computers in the future. Your thoughts leave electrical marks in your brain that will be digitized and processed into different cognitive outputs. Digitization of thoughts is just an example. Everything that exists in analog form will be turned into digits and spitted out as digital output. That digital output will take the form of holographic images that we will see in front of us. It will also be sent to screens that will be always with us as in a headset first, then glasses, then contact lenses, then permanent additions to the human eye. The future is digital and you will see it. 

The Merge

The continuous merging of analog reality with digital reality will be the theme of the next two decades. There are almost unlimited opportunities for you to get involved in the next phase of the digital age, which we call The Merge. Stay tuned.

Slap is food for thought. Written philanthropy. Take more at


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