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Trump could kill himself on Fifth Avenue live on Tik Tok, and his supporters would believe that the suicide was staged by the "deep state". Trump could become Hitler, and his supporters would still adore him. Trump could confess to having committed all the crimes he's accused of, and his supporters would still defend him. Why is that? Because we're all storytelling primates desperate to believe in salvation.

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Storytelling primates

Humans are fascinating animals. Imagination and communication skills set humans apart from all other animals on Earth. Humans are so good at imagining stories and sharing them vividly that the stories are believed as true regardless of their veracity. 


Trump supporters believe that their "America" is lost, and that Trump is their savior. This belief on a lost world that needs to be saved by a man is engrained in Trump supporters primate brains who are overwhelmingly Christians. 

Christianity makes you believe in many things including the perspective of doom, an upcoming apocalypse, and the need to be saved by a man. Christians believe that there is a male god in heaven judging and testing humans. Interestingly, American evangelical Christians believe that Jesus is the path to wealth and prosperity here on Earth. That is curious because Jesus was a poor bastard who advocated for the poor and for the abandonment of all material wealth. 

Emotional creatures

Rational arguments will not persuade Trump supporters to abandon him. The only way to make Trump supporters abandon him is to increase the emotional price of their Trump addiction. By emotional price we mean that the pain of following Trump be higher than the pleasure of following him. If you are Slap reader, you know that life is controlled by a binary pain / pleasure mechanism. All living organisms, including humans, are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. 

Trump supporters follow him because they find the cult to be more pleasurable than the pain they perceive from liberalism, globalism, and the end of racism. Trump supporters believe that they are entitled to "own" a country to the exclusion of other Americans who do not share their European values and heritage. Trump supporters want to stop change, stop progress, and take the country back as close as possible to its traditional colonial days. 

Unfortunately for his supporters, Trump can't hump no more. The old man is a fraud and a criminal. After decades of running afoul of business laws and years of playing loosely with federal law, the man has been caught. Not only there is substantial evidence showing that he conspire to overthrow the government by force during the January 6th insurrection, but there is also plenty of evidence that Trump stole and hid classified Top Secret documents. Some documents are still missing. The matter is under investigation. Trump will be indicted soon after the mid-term elections. 

Trump can't jump out of the hole where he's in. Trump is doomed. Trump is no longer a viable savior, but rather needs to be saved. Trump supporters now need to pay his legal fees and help him with the uphill battle of facing federal prosecutors with all the evidence they need to lock him up. Trump is doomed. Trump can't hump. 

Food for thought. What do you think?

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