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We can actually lots of things from Donald Trump. Yes, liberals hate him and have.a point. The guy wants power and keeps seeking it relentlessly. That resiliency, at his advanced age, is worthy of admiration from a human flourishing point of view. That is not to say that we should surrender our democracy to Trump and his MAGA klan. Instead, the United States should prosecute Trump to the maximum extent of the law. Having said that, we can still learn from the Orange Jesus of WASP supremacy.

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There are similarities between Trump and Jesus Christ. Of course, we can focus on the differences and fill libraries with books about them. Jesus was a poor liberal from the Middle East, who was crucified to death by the conservatives of his times. Jesus was kind of a queer communist opposite of a fascist capitalist like Trump. Jesus had a message of peace and love; loving one another as his imaginary god loved him. Trump is not a loving person. But it is in love where we begin to find similarities between Jesus and Trump.

Both Jesus and Trump loved themselves as saviors or almost semi-gods. Jesus was even more arrogant than Trump. Jesus called himself the son of the imaginary god of the desert, and the savior of humanity. Trump loves himself and sees himself as the savior of America, but at least is not as crazy lunatic to call himself the son of an imaginary god. 

It is in the self love and the complete believe in themselves and their value proposition that Trump and Jesus are pretty much alike. They did not grow up to be team players. They grew up to take over the world. They want everything. They want to be god. They see themselves as more valuable than anything else. They request their followers to suspend disbelief and follow them blindly into their path. They are super arrogant, thinking that they know it all and understand everything better than their fellow men. They did not come to ask questions. They came to teach, and seek blind followers.

Just like Jesus in his days, Trump will be prosecuted sooner or later for his attacks against the status quo. Hopefully, Trump is not made a martyr like JC. Hopefully, the lies do not become the "truth" for his followers. Hopefully a significant segment of humanity is not turned into a blind believer of a salvation story. The world does not need any saving. If it does, it should come from all of us rather than from a prophet who thinks to know better and who is obsessed with making the world follow as blind sheep.

Food for thought. What do you think?

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