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Money and politics go hand in hand. Money is a technology (i.e. tool and method) for economic activity (i.e. trade or exchange of products and services) in a society. Politics is a competition for political power, which is the ability to rule and control a society, including its economic activity. Therefore, political power is more important than money. Having political power allows you to create and allocate money. No wonder people contribute money to politicians knowing that if they will reciprocate once elected.

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It seems that most humans want money and power. This is a manifestation of the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. Living organisms can be seen as organic computers programmed for two, and only two, binary functions: to seek; and to avoid. Living organism seek a positive energy state; and avoid a negative energy state. We call the positive pleasure; and the negative pain. We seek pleasure; and we avoid pain.

Money and political power allow us to maximize our ability to seek pleasure and avoid pain. In that sense, money and power are utilities helping us follow the programming of life. No wonder most humans seek money and power.

What is money anyways? Money is a human invention to facilitate trade. Even the most primitive tribes of thousands of years ago, had invented some sort of monetary system to facilitate commerce. Money facilitates trade by serving different functions such as: economic valuation; payment of debts; and storage of value. Economic valuation refers to the numeric quantification of value. Payment of debts refers to the satisfaction of economic obligations. Storage of value refers to the ability of a representative token to hold intrinsic economic value.

What is political power? Political power refers to the ability to govern (i.e. rule and control) the conduct of other people. The political control of people can be exerted by different mechanisms such as authoritarian force, democratic rule of law, mythology or religion, and so on. Whoever holds the power, has the ability to rule and control those in their territorial or subject matter jurisdiction. 

In sum, money helps economic trade while political power governs all social activity, including but not limited to economic activity. Therefore, political power is more important or superior in hierarchy than money because political power includes the ability to control and rule over economic activity, which is both the purpose and source of money.

More to follow on this. Stay tuned.

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