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Trump will do more to end racism than Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., or anyone else in human history. Gandhi and MLK fought racism in a civil way. Without taking up arms or doing anything stupid, Gandhi and MLK made the world a better place. They helped us understand that racism is a dead end. Interestingly, Trump is helping us end racism in a different way. By being so stupid and racist, Trump will help humanity avoid the stupidity and craziness of racism.

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It is been reported that Trump was so incredibly stupid that he even packed the boxes of classified documents that he stole from the White House. Any other disgruntled federal officer suspected of stealing Top Secret documents would have been indicted by now. 

Trump is the leader of a WASP supremacy movement known as MAGA. Trump is also a former president of the United States. Trump won the 2016 presidential elections, defeating Hillary Clinton. Hillary was suspected of having stored classified documents in a computer server and was under federal investigation. Trump had awoken a mass of WASP supremacists that wanted to take the country "back". The combination of those two factors plus many others, led to Trump's surprising presidential victory. By 2020, Trump was discredited as a racist egomaniac that many Americans hated and who also fumbled the handling of the COVID19 pandemic. Those factors and others led Joe Biden to defeat Trump in 2020.

Trump became the biggest sore loser in the history of our country. Trump refused to concede and accept defeat. Instead, Trump invented a story that turned out to be the biggest and most consequential lie in our presidential history. Trump began to claim that the elections had been stolen. Many, many Trump lawyers and supporters tried to validate and prove Trump's big lie in court. No one could because there was absolutely no evidence of any sort of widespread fraud that would have changed the outcome of the elections. Trump lost (period). Still, Trump refused to accept the truth and opted to spread the big lie. 

As if lying about stolen elections was not enough, Trump was also instrumental in inciting an insurrection planned for, and conducted on, January 6th, 2021. It's all documented in high definition video. Dozens have already been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their roles in Trump's infamous insurrection.

Apparently, that was not enough for Trump. For reasons that are still under investigation, Trump decided to steal lots of official documents from the White House. He was told by every advisor that the documents belonged to the federal government, and not to him. He could have written "love letters" to dictators around the world, but those were not his to keep. Moreover, there were also classified Top Secret and highly sensitive documents to which Trump had access as president, but no longer after the end of his official position. Somehow Trump disregarded advice and opted to steal Top Secret documents and take them to his compound in Florida. As if that was not enough, when the federal government requested that the documents be returned, Trump opted to lie again. Some of his lawyers certified that all documents had been returned. The FBI knew that Trump was lying. An FBI raid of Trump's compound, Mar a Lago, revealed that Trump was hiding the Top Secret documents. Even worse, some Top Secret documents that Trump stole are missing. We still don't know what Trump did with them. 

All this to say that Trump is a fantastic moron that gives his racist MAGA movement a bad name. And that is a lot to say. Leaders like Gandhi and MLK made every effort to follow high ethical standards. They knew that their movements against racism would fail if they were highly unethical leaders, or even worse, dumb criminals. Gandhi and MLK were both assassinated. Ending racism is a tough challenge. Those receiving the benefits of the racist system do not want to give up their privileges. Trump has not even been indicted yet. White privilege is a tough cancer to beat. But by being so unethical in his affairs, and so dumb in his suspected crimes, Trump makes his movement vulnerable by association.

All along the lines above, it has been assumed that Trump is a racist, and a WASP supremacist. Trump hates being called a racist. Yet everything that he stands for is clearly about reverting back to a society where "white" (beige colored skin) men of anglo saxon descent are in control of the higher ranks of society. Trump proved during his business career that he does not like people "of color" as humans of non-European descent are called as if beige was not a color. During his infamous presidency, Trump demonstrated without any reasonable doubt that he is not a fan of diversity and inclusion.

Trump represents the past. MAGA represents going back and backwards to the times of WASP supremacy in our country. Luckily for all of us invested in diversity and inclusion, Trump is a moron showing that racism, just like crime, does not pay. Trump is in legal trouble. For Trump, and for his racist movement, the worst is yet to come. The future of the United States depends on diversification. Having a diverse and inclusive society is the best insurance against socioeconomic stagnation. The stakes are too high. We are competing for the future. We are not going back in time. No one is taking the United States "back" to our colonial past. We learned from all those mistakes and that progress away from racism and towards diversity and inclusion is what makes our Nation great. 

Luckily, we have morons like Trump who reminds us every day that racism, like crime itself, does not pay. What do you think?

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