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Neither conservatives nor liberals are 100% correct or 100% wrong. Conservatives are not wrong. You may not like the conservative agenda, but that doesn't make it wrong. Conservatives are doing exactly what they need to do to advance the kind of society they would like to live in. The same applies to liberals. Liberals are not wrong. You may not like the liberal agenda, but that does not make it wrong. Liberals are doing exactly what they need to do to advance the kind of society that they would like to live in. This is a matter of personal taste or opinion. Luckily in a democracy you get to vote and support your preferences without having to go to war or jail over them. Democracy is not perfect, but is better than the alternatives such as civil wars or dictatorships. What do you think?

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What do conservatives want?

Conservatives want a traditional society. Taken to a hypothetical extreme, that would be a society supported by slavery. The traditional society is based on having two main social classes: the rich and the rest. This is the classic and standard model all around the world in developing countries or "third world". This was also the traditional model all throughout human history for the most part, an upper class served by a lower class without much in the middle. 

The disadvantages of the classic third world socioeconomic model is the poverty that it generates. The advantages of the third world model is the comfort that it generates for those who are the top. If you have lived or vacationed in a third world country--or sailed on an international cruise for that matter--you know the comfortable feeling of having affordable service making you feel like royalty. Conversely, here in the United States or other developed countries, service is too expensive and never at the level that you experience in the third world. 

Conservatives prefer a stratified economy where there is a disadvantaged lower class serving a privileged upper class. To attain this goal, conservative policies include promoting racism, cutting the social safety net (e.g. Social Security), eliminating labor unions that increase wages, minimizing scientific education that tends to be a social equalizer, closing or restricting borders to promote ethnic nationalism, segregating and discriminating against minorities, and promoting religion under the belief in an almighty god who favors a chosen few and who punishes lower class sinners.  

What do liberals want?

Liberals want a middle class socioeconomic model. In a hypothetical extreme, liberals would establish a communist / socialist regime to ensure populace equality under the politicians in charge. While the traditional or classic model sought by conservatives is based on two classes (rich and poor), the liberal model looks to sandwich people in the middle by pulling up the poor and pushing down the rich. This is the economic model prevalent in most of the "first world", but especially in Scandinavian and Northern European countries. The model typically requires high taxes (e.g. 50% - 60% income taxes) to fund a central government in charge of redistributing wealth in society. 

The disadvantages of the middle class model is that it does not offer the level of comfort and privilege that the classic or traditional model affords to those at the top. The middle class also promotes complacency as it does not provide much of an incentive to rise to the top of the socioeconomic ladder. In the middle class model, everyone gets to be relatively well educated, socially protected, and is for the most part equal in society. The model tends to lean towards atheism without fears of a supernatural power imposing a predetermined order and class structure in society. 

Liberals prefer a middle class based economy where there the gap between rich and poor is not as marked as in the classic or traditional third world model. To attain these goals, liberal policies include ending racism, preserving and increasing the social safety net, promoting labor unions for higher wages and employee protections, increasing scientific education, promoting immigration and globalization, protecting minorities, and promoting separation of church and state to promote critical thinking over dogmatic indoctrination. 

Which model is better?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Neither the conservative approach nor the liberal one is "good" or "bad". They are just different views and perspectives. As an American voter, you get to choose what model you prefer. The systems are at the opposite ends of the spectrum so you get a clear choice.  If you prefer the high class / low class model under god, vote Republican. If you prefer the middle class model under science, vote Democrat. The choice is yours. 

We don't have to agree. Diversity of thought is what democracy is all about. Democracies are not perfect. They're simply better than the alternatives such as civil war and dictatorial regimes. Democracies do not require that we all agree. It perfectly okay to disagree provided that we play by the rules and accept the results of elections.  

Many liberals think that their way is the only reasonable and legitimate way of running a country or building a society. The same goes for many conservatives who want to impose their religious beliefs and dogmas on others. Neither camp is 100% correct or has a monopoly over the truth. This is not a matter of truth, but a matter of taste and personal preference. Luckily, we still have a democracy and each eligible person has one vote to decide in what direction we want to move as a Nation. 

If you think about it, it's all about pain and pleasure like everything else in human behavior. Some see more pleasure and less pain in the rich/poor classic or traditional system while some see more pleasure and less pain in the middle class system. Where do you stand in this argument? What is your opinion?

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