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Ending racism begins with realizing that we are all members of the same race, the human race. Racism is a socioeconomic system that assigns privilege based on the human concept of race. Understandably, many beneficiaries of the system do not want to give away the benefits obtained from the system. However, we can all have more by ending racism and expanding our economy in a globalized and diversified world. Below please read a few thoughts about racism, where it comes from, and how to end it.  

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What is racism?

Racism is a socioeconomic system based on the construct of race. The social construct of race divides humans in different groups based on the different inherited biological features and ancestral physical characteristics exhibited by humans around the world.

Racism assigns social benefits and economic privileges based on the immutable physical traits and external characteristics inherited by humans from their most recent ancestors. The dominant or ruling group assigns superior benefits to itself while excluding and discriminating against the other groups.  

Where does racism come from?

Racism comes from ignorance, tribalism, and opportunism. Our primitive ancestors did not know that we are all members of the same race, the human race. Our ancestors did not know that all humans come from Africa, and that all humans are African primates by definition. 

Racism is a derivative or expanded form of tribalism. The tribe is extended to the whole regional or "racial" group under the "us vs them" mindset of tribalism. 

Racism provided an opportunistic rationalization to justify military conquests, religious proliferation, and colonial exploitation. 

Where do "races" come from?

Racial characteristics are ancestral adaptations to environmental and climatological circumstances. The most important factor in shaping or "baking" the different "races" is ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The higher the annual UV index in a region, the darker the skin and crispier hair. Conversely, the lower annual UV index in a region, the more pale the skin and pliable hair. 

Weather played a key role in shaping different external characteristics in humans. In cold environments, humans had to cover their skins with furs to cope with the cold. Over the years, that led to significantly less exposure to UV radiation. Again, this reduced exposure led to changes in skin pigmentation (melanin), which serves as a natural form of sunscreen protection. In warmer climates where human remained exposed to hard UV radiation, pigmentation became darker, affording higher UV protection. 

Diet also played a key role in shaping different external characteristics. In regions with abundant sources of animal protein, humans grew relatively taller and stronger than in regions with less abundant sources of animal protein. 

What are the problems with racism?

Aside from moral or ethical implications, from an utilitarian standpoint, racism limits economic development and increases risk. Racism is equivalent of putting all your eggs in one basket. Racism curtails innovation, reduces productivity, and prevents risk diversification. 

By definition, racism is divisive and exclusionary, which leads not only to reduced economic and military potential, but also to inevitable conflict and resentment within the population. 

Racism is hard to eradicate because it is convenient to the dominant or ruling race. Understandably, many members of the privileged group do not want to lose the benefits obtained or "inherited" from racism. That is part of human nature, and most be understood in the journey towards ending racism.

Why should we end racism?

Besides being the right thing to do from a moral and ethical standpoint, ending racism is key to economic prosperity and military success in a globalized economy and interconnected world. Long gone are the days when a single ancestral group or "race" could rule the world or colonize others freely.  As the world gets smaller yet more complicated, we need diversified approaches that can guarantee access to the best talent and resources regardless of racial considerations. 

Ending racism leads to diversified economic development that makes the community and Nation stronger together. It is naive to think that one group or tribe alone, bound only by random biological characteristics, can solve problems more effectively and deliver better solutions than groups that enjoy the benefits of diversification with multiple perspectives and diverse approaches to problem-solving and innovation.   

What is the best way of ending racism?

The best way to end racism is to realize that there is only one race, the human race. All humans are storytelling primates of African descent. Archeological evidence first, and genetic evidence later, proved that all humans descend from African primates. It's time to accept the reality that we are all members of the same race, the human race. It's time to capitalize on the opportunity of expanding economic growth and socioeconomic progress by ending the primitive system of racism. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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