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Are you looking into having some fun and making some money while you are at it? Aren't we all? Entrepreneurship is a way of seeking that having-fun / making-money path. Ideally you will be having fun developing a business venture and managing a commercial enterprise while trying to turn a vision into reality. Chances are that you will fail because most business ventures fail sooner or later. However, if it works, you could end up making some money, having some "war stories", and even "saving the world". Not even the sky is the limit. Space is the frontier and is practically endless and almost unlimited. The only limitation is ignorance, and we are working hard every day to learn more and more. The best is yet to come.  

Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at

The question is where to begin. How do you go about finding leads to explore? There are many ways. For the fun of it, let's think about three types of individuals or their mindsets: negative, positive, and neutral.

The negative: from pathetic loser to problem solver

If you are a negative person, leverage that loser perspective into a winning entrepreneurial advantage. Being negative typically means that you are good at identifying problems, and perceiving what is wrong in every situation. 

Use that negative skill to make it your positive advantage in the business world. Select the problems that energize you the most. Get inspiration from those problems to develop solutions. Full solutions, partial solutions, and even theoretical or hypothetical solutions work. Offer your solutions to the market. 

If you lack sufficient capital to turn your proposed solutions into tangible products and services, begin with providing information about them. You can use free information that may be available online or already in your mind to create unique information about the solutions that can help consumers solve problems in their own lives. Become a problem solver. You may find it fun and rewarding. Go for it.  

The positive: from optimistic dreamer to dream entrepreneur 

If you are a positive person, take that good habit to the bank. Having a positive outlook in life generally means that you focus on what is going well and how things are constantly improving for our species. Identify the dreams and possibilities that excite you the most. 

Use those dreams to develop opportunities for others. These could be actual--full or partial--or even theoretical or hypothetical opportunities for enhancing the quality of life. Package your dreams and offer them in the marketplace. 

If you lack sufficient capital to form your dreams into tangible products and services, no problem. Begin providing information about them. Use the free information available everywhere to craft original and innovative information for others to consume. Feed their mind. Fill your pockets. Repeat. Eventually develop more tangible solutions for everyone to enjoy. Keep making the world a better place for all. 

The neutral: from consumer curator to prosumer innovator 

If you are mostly "neutral", neither too positive nor too negative, make that balancing act your edge in the business arena. Focus on what's already out there in the market, and how you can add value and improve it. Don't re-invent the wheel. Just improve it. You can also simply expand its reach by taking it to other markets. As above, if you don't have enough money, don't worry. Use the in-formation approach. Begin with information crafted from free information. Take it from there to the formation of more tangible products and services. 

Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at


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