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Big entrepreneurial dreams without big money. That's a problem, and probably the most common one in entrepreneurship. There are many solutions ranging from raising capital to quitting the dream. A good solution is the in-formation to formation approach. This it to re-shape the dream to begin with what you can comfortably afford, which is information related to the dream that you want to produce. There is plenty of free information. You can create plenty of new information based on existing free information available online. Begin with in-formation and gradually grow into the "formation" of a bigger product line. From the free in-formation phase, you can gradually work yourself up into the more capital intensive "formation" phase. Confused? Continue reading. We'll try to explain what we mean. Maybe some of the ideas in the next few paragraphs can spark actionable ideas in your own brain. That's how  Slap is supposed to work. Feed into the brainstorm buffet to digest and energize your own productions.  

Slap is food for thought. Written philanthropy. Take more at

When you have big dreams, but lack the capital to turn them into reality, begin with what you can afford, which is information. Take it from there, one step after the other. Regardless of whether you reach the initial goal or not, you can enjoy the process. The journey is the destination. More than reaching the peak, it's the climb what your brain is craving for. Keep walking; keep hustling to give the brain the dopamine it needs. That sense of going up and moving forward, anticipating the big reward, is the secret to motivation. Controlling it is the secret to happiness. More about that in other posts. For now, let's go back to funding that dream venture of yours. 

For many entrepreneurs, the dream is to develop a venture that can monetize their reality into a fortune. Humans generally want to be rich and famous. Ambitious entrepreneurs dream of building the next big thing that will revolutionize the marketplace and conquer the world. We should all dream big. It's fun to do so. 

Your dream of developing and owning a company that can produce massive amounts of economic value and profits depend on having sufficient resources to make it happen. You cannot create something out of nothing. To make your dream a reality, you have to turn input into output.

If you do not have sufficient capital, the first input can be free information that you can process into more valuable output. Find a problem and throw information at it.  That is, you will be taking free information and turning it into valuable intellectual output for consumers. You would be creating information solutions 

Pick a problem to solve. Begin informing consumers about solutions. Become a theoretical solution provider. Eventually as you grow a reputation and make profits you can expand your product line to more practical or physical solutions. That's right. Begin with blah, blah, blah intangible solutions based on free information to gradually become a provider of more concrete or tangible solutions. 

Slap is food for thought. Written philanthropy. Take more at 


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