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Elon Musk is a Trump wannabe

                                                [This post was updated on April 25, 2022.]

Is Musk a Trump wannabe?  You bet.  Unfortunately, he was born in South African and is not a natural born American.  Therefore, he cannot run for President of the United States.

Money is addictive. Power is even more addictive than money.

Money is addictive because your primate brain gets big dopamine payloads imagining the pleasures that money can buy for you. Power is more addictive than money because your brain gets an even higher dopamine payload imagining all the pleasures (including money) that power can get for you.  

That is the case for everyone, including you. However, the attraction to money and power is even stronger in the brains of billionaires for two reasons: (i) they are already addicted to money and power; and (ii) their brains have developed resistance to money and power.  The combination of being addicted and resistant, pushes the addict to seek more. Addicts look for higher doses of the same drug, or seek more potent drugs.    

TakeSlap at offers spicy food for thought. We put words together to burn your brain a little and spark new thinking.  Our stream of consciousness blog may help you think and rethink current ideas and trends floating through the collective human mind. Read it at your own risk.  Share it with others only if you dare.  Remember, they may get mad and may want to slap you like Will smacked Chris.   

Elon Musk is as narcissistic, "crazy", and charismatic as Donald "Jesus" Trump.  

A run for the White House would give Elon Musk a higher rush that landing on Mars or anything else that money can buy. Buying Twitter is part of Elon's terrible mid-life crisis. Running for President will prove stronger than Viagra for the poor soul.

Elon Musk in African.  Elon was born in South Africa.  Unfortunately, he cannot run for President.  Otherwise, Elon Musk's presidential run would have been inevitable under the Libertarian party or under the Republican ticket.

Would you vote for Elon Musk for President of the United States?  Many would.  He's African born and thus cannot run.  The electoral college system would have been another obstacle to getting to the White House. He would have needed to invest strategically in key swing states. Buying Twitter is his way of outdoing Trump's media attempts with Truth Social and everything else.

As a Libertarian, Musk would get many votes, but not enough to get him to the White House. As a Republican, he has a very good shot of at least 50% of winning the presidency. Can Musk beat Trump?  Not yet. Musk is a Trump wannabe and still has much to learn. Political science is his new hobby. Who cares about Mars when you think that you can rule the world?

Elon Musk would have been an "excellent" President of the United States if it were not for the fact that he is African born and cannot run.  

Even Donald "Jesus" Trump was an excellent president. Anyone can be an excellent president. Not anyone can be an accomplished scientist or athlete, but anyone can be an excellent president of the United States. Same goes for with China, Russia, and all other countries in this monkey world. 

Elevate one primate to power, and performance will come with the territory. Some will praise the leader to obtain favors. Others will condemn the leader to obtain favors from the opposition. Opinions will split on a standard deviation of human politics. Moods will go up and down, and sentiments will swing left and right as usual.

Elon Musk is an Afriacan Trump wannabe.

No matter how much money Elon may have, or how much he may be worth in paper money stocks, he still feels empty inside. Elon Musk lacks what Trump and Obama have. Trump and Obama are both former presidents of the United States. Elon doesn't have that ultimate badge and power brag.

Elon is desperate to prove himself. The pain of the human condition runs deep in him. Elon's agonizing pain can be felt on every tweet and every move. Elon needs help. Elon craves attention to a level that is only comparable to Trump and Jesus.  

History shows us that these ego centric narcissists like JC, Putin, Trump, and Musk are the men who keep going and going as the energizer bunny.  Along the way, they get a following of lost souls looking for alpha male saviors.  

Life is fun. What a beautiful circus we live in. May technology keep blessing our simulated souls. 

More to come on Elon Musk and Donald Jesus Trump.  Stay tuned.   


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