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Woke vs Stuck: Remote vs Traditional Office


Remote vs Stuck 

Buckle up for a bumpy ride ahead. Digital technology will continue disrupting everything. A new woke vs stuck battleground is the return to the office debate. Bosses want employees back into the traditional office slavery.  Employees are waking up and asking why should they return.  Remote work will win this battle as easily as cell phones won over pay phones. Rejoice! There will be many opportunities to profit from the remote work trend. This is just beginning.    

TakeSlap at offers spicy food for thought. We put words together to slap your brain a little into innovative and different thinking. Our stream of consciousness blog may help you rethink your game plan in life.  Consume it raw at your own risk.  Season it to taste.  Share it family style with others. We're all in this together. Let the simulation go on.   

Remote work will change everything

The remote work revolution is killing offices (and cities) just like Amazon killed Sears. Malls were the cool gathering places of the pre-cyber economy. Offices were the cool gathering places of the pre-COVID economy. Things change.

The COVID emergency is over. Large companies want their employees back in the office. Top talent is not buying. After two years of freedom, who wants to return to office prison?   

Traditional offices are antiquated, ineffective, and cost prohibitive. With the cost of living rising faster than pay, and with a recession looming in the horizon, things will get tougher for the traditional office space.  

Change is the only constant

The transition from the stuck office to the woke remote work is inevitable. Who owns a TV without a remote control?  Who doesn't have a cell phone and uses a pay phone? Other than the Amish, who owns a horse cart instead of a car? 

Digital technology will keep liberating workers and will continue changing everything. You can bet on it.

Denial and wishful thinking

Many office landlords and corporate bosses seem to be in denial, or at least pretending to be. Their wishful thinking may be that soon enough people will re-adapt to the office prison and everything will go back to how it was before COVID. It is not going to happen.  The cat is out of the bag, and the paste is out of the tube. Everyone knows that remote work is more effective than office work.  If your company or agency does not believe it, your competitors will. 

Remote work is quickly becoming the #1 recruitment and retention tool for top talent nationwide. The trend seems as unstoppable as digital technology itself. It is true that employees need to socialize and collaborate. It is also true that young people socialize and collaborate online.

Authoritarian corporations 

For as much as we say that we are capitalists and love democracy in America, our corporations are  authoritarian regimes. Corporate decisions are dictated from the top just like in China and Russia. Employees are supposed to adhere to the norms or quit. Well, employees are quitting in droves. When it comes to choose between forced office labor and remote work, employees are voting with their feet.  

The Great Resignation will continue until employers listen to the needs of employees. Traditional offices are history. For offices to survive, they will have to be re-invented. Offices will have to be transformed into cool places that employees really want to visit and spend time in. 

Office transformations and online collaborations

Offices have to be transformed into corporate entertainment centers for collaborative and productive fun.  That transformation is one of the biggest business opportunities on the facilities and real estate side.  On the other side, applications to continue improving online interaction and collaboration, including training apps represent a huge market opportunity.

What do you think?  How will you profit from what is coming ahead?  



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