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Putin's cancer

Cancer can be a blessing in disguise. Rumor has it that Putin is battling cancer again. Hopefully, cancer will beat Putin this time. No one knows who will replace Putin in Russia. Other than knowing that it will be an evil white man, everything else is up for grabs. The next Putin can be even worse. Life is like chocolate gift box full of surprises. Enjoy it while it lasts.  

TakeSlap serves food for thought. We toss words together to slap your brain into innovative thinking. Consume it at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this feast together. Enjoy.


Everything changes from beginning to end. Putin's regime began about 20 years ago and is finally coming to an end. Putin's failure was not knowing when to quit. As boxers who don't know when to quit the sport until Parkinson's sets in, Putin continued doing the same thing until he failed. And failed he did, very miserably indeed. 

Success can lead to failure, and vice versa. We see it all the time. What makes people and companies succeed makes them fail eventually. Competitors adapt and circumstances change. Yet, banking on their previous success, players keep doing the same thing. Past moves and plays do not work as before because competitors have adapted and the game has changed.

Putin's successful military operations in 2008 (Chechnya) and in 2014 (Crimea) made him think that 2022 would be the same. It wasn't. The Ukrainians were ready to fight and defend their land. The West was ready to help Ukraine stand up to the imperial invaders. 


Trump had been a surprise gift for Putin. Everyone thought that Hillary Clinton would beat Trump in 2016. Hillary won the popular vote as predicted, but Trump won the electoral college vote. Trump was a surprise gift for Putin.  

Trump removed sanctions against Russia. Trump praised and respected Putin. Trump was about to defund NATO, and pull the United States out of it. Trump made Putin feel invincible. Trump was making Russia great again. 


Along came another surprise, the COVID pandemic. COVID created a dogmatic split between Putin and Trump. As a cancer survivor, Putin felt immunocompromised and feared COVID. Trump was more reckless. 

Putin and Trump were successful in getting vaccines produced. Putin's steadfast handling of COVID and the Sputnik vaccine were politically successful in Russia. Trump was effective in pushing a vaccine, but his handling of COVID was erratic and cost him the 2020 elections. 


In Trump's own words, only a loser would lose to Joe Biden. Well, Trump lost big time to Biden in 2020. Trump became a bigger loser by denying that he lost and by attempting to stay in power by force on January 6, 2021. Many people still believe in Trump because humans can believe in anything that makes them feel good, from supernatural gods to godsend politicians. 

Trump is white sugar.

Trump's loss to Biden turned Putin into a loser too. Putin made the biggest miscalculation of his political career by deciding to invade Ukraine in February of 2022. Putin thought that the invasion would be piece of Russian honey cake. It turned out to be a sack of rotten tomatoes flying on Putin's face.

Putin will retreat.

The Russia-Ukraine war is not over yet. Putin will lose the war and his regime will collapse. The question is what comes next. We already know Putin. We don't know what will happen when he is gone. These are exciting times. Bring out the popcorn. 

Food for thought. What do you think?   



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