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Ending racism

Ending racism

Some humans are racists. Some racists are supremacists. Some supremacists turn into violent criminals. The slippery slope of racism begins with believing in the artificial (man made) construct of "races". An alternative to racism is to observe that there is only one race, the human race. 

TakeSlap serves spicy food for thought. We toss words together to slap you into innovative thinking. Consume all you can digest at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this info feast together. Enjoy.


Observing that there is only one race will be a move in the right direction. Of course, it will not be a panacea and will not solve the problems of the world. Since humans are animals, we will always find "reasons" (rational justifications for irrational emotions) to continue loving some and hating others. This is all part of the evolutionary (hereditary) pain / pleasure algorithm of life.  

Having said that, ending racism will be progress and will promote social justice and economic growth. We can increase productivity and make more money by working together under the unifying observation of only one race, the human race. 


Even as a single race, conflicts will arise. In the absence of "racial" conflicts, humans will find other excuses to fight over or bitch about. Take Putin's invasion of Ukraine as a clear example and warning sign. The majority of Ukrainians and the majority of Russians are of exactly 100% the same slavic "white race". Yet, they are killing each other day and night.

History is replete of stories of brutal wars of people of the same "race" killing each other. European history can be dividend in two parts: "whites" brutally killing each other in wars; and (ii) "whites" brutally colonizing other "races" in Africa, the Americas, and Southeast Asia. 


It is not that "whites" have a special preponderance for violence and brutality as many suggest. For sure African history and Asian history are also replete with stories of brutal wars with peoples of the same "race" killing one another over land and precious goods. Indigenous Americans were also violent in their own ways. Now, since they had settled more recently, they had not had time to develop the kind of brutal weapons of mass destruction developed by "whites".  

This is not to suggest that the "white" race is evil or the white devil.  This is to say that all humans are the same. All humans are members of the same compassionate / brutal race. Like dogs and all other animals, we humans have an incredible capacity to love and protect members of the "pack", along with an incredible capacity to hate and attack those outside the pack. 

Pain and Pleasure 

Humans, like all other animals on planet Earth, are controlled by the pain / pleasure algorithm of life. Pain and pleasure control everything that living organisms do. Pain and pleasure control all humans. Everything that you have done and everything that will do in your life is 100% controlled by the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. 

All animals survive by avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. All of our ancestors survived that way. Thus, the mechanism survived in all of us. We inherited this "trait" of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain from our ancestors. We are all trapped by the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. 

The tricky and liberating part about humans is that we are smart enough to turn the pain / pleasure mechanism on its head. We cannot escape, but we can control it. We are able to associate physical pain with mental pleasure, and vice versa. It should also be noted that the pain / pleasure mental associations vary over time and over one human to another. What is painful for a human can be perceived as pleasurable by another one, and vice versa. What used to be painful or pleasurable can change over time.


Humans are storytelling primates. We are so good at storytelling that we believe our own stories about not being animals and about being created as special. The artificial (i.e. man made) separation between nature and humanity is part of the confusion that pains humanity so much and that creates so many social problems. 

If we would all admit that we are animals, we would stand a better chance of controlling rather than rationalizing our instincts. For example, supremacists hate other races because their territorial animal instincts get the better of them. Not knowing this, they make up artificial (man made) reasons to justify their hate (e.g. other races are slackers, invaders, replacers, takers, etc.)


By ignoring our animal nature, we are more susceptible of falling victims of it. When we believe that we are heavenly or celestial creatures rather than earthy animals, we are more susceptible of being surprised by our animal instincts. 

When we fail to acknowledge our animal nature, we let our guards down against our reptilian impulses. That is when we can fall into "inexplicable" violent or destructive behaviors. It is better to acknowledge that we are animals to better keep our instincts under control. 


Violence is a natural defense mechanism indispensable for survival in the wild. Violence is an animalistic manifestation of the pain / pleasure algorithm of life. The fight or flight mechanism kicks in when the animal fears for its life or wants to take the flesh of another animal. 

The same applies to humans because we are all animals. Our violent instincts kick in when we are afraid of losing something or when we are greedy of obtaining something. Supremacists, for example, are afraid of losing privileges to other "races" and are greedy of obtaining more privileges for their own "race".  


Supremacists ignore their animal nature to their own peril. They see themselves as superior creatures defending their perceived superiority. They let fear and greed take the best of them. They become afraid of other "races" and become greedy of supremacy over all other "races". When these emotions overdose, supremacists can commit heinous crimes.

Supremacists hate the other "races" due to the pain / pleasure algorithm of life.  Supremacists feed ideas into their brains that make them be afraid of other "races" and makes them greedy of the privileges of supremacy over the other "races". They cultivate so much fear and greed that they can harvest explosions of violent behavior (e.g. mass shootings, hate crimes, January 6th insurrection, etc.)  


Putin is an illiberal supremacist that fell into the fear of the liberal NATO ending his regime. Putin got so greedy that he thought that he could continue stealing Ukrainian land without consequences. The fear of NATO plus the greed of stealing land, prompted Putin to invade Ukraine. 

Putin's violent invasion of Ukraine turned into a horror show of genocide and war crimes. Zelenski rallied the West for support. NATO is now expanding even further than what Putin could have imagined in his worst nightmares. That is what happens when you let fear and greed take the best of you. 

Putin will retreat this summer, and will be ousted from power soon. Putin's mistake was to believe that he was a super human rather than acknowledging his animal nature. Putin fell victim to fear and greed as part of the inescapable pain / pleasure algorithm of life. 


Trump is a supremacist who strategically capitalized on "white" fears about a black president (Obama). Trump himself was passionate about an unconscious fear and anger seeing a black man achieved before him what he wanted most in life. 

Trump followers were not and are not deplorable. Trump voters are humans like all of us. Trump voters fell victims of the fear and pleasure game of life. They fear nonwhites and Trump capitalized on that fear. They are greedy of supremacy, and Trump played with their desires. Democrats do the same with the fears and desires of their base who fears conservative / evangelical control of their lives and who desire a softer form of capitalism that borders in socialism. 

A few hard core Trump supremacists fell into Trump's rhetorical trap of attacking our democracy and tried a violent coup on January 6th, 2021. These Trump supporters were victims of their animal instincts. Now most of them are going to jail. That is what happens when you are in denial of your animal nature and smarter primates play with your pain and pleasure buttons.

Trump is white sugar.

Ending racism

Racism is a socio economic system based on the social construct of race. Understanding where racism begins can help us bring it an end. Racism begins with the social invention of the concept of race. Racism can be ended by replacing the invention of multiple races with the observation that there is only one race. 

The so-called "racial" features are nothing more than mere ancestral biological adaptations to climate change. Instead of fearing racial features, we should celebrate them as part of our shared human history. We have incredible capacities to adapt to changes.  


As early humans migrated out of Africa, they settled in different latitudes around the globe. Our planet orbits around the sun like a rotisserie equipment, baking us and warming us with sunlight.  

Variations in sun exposure and ultraviolet (UV) radiation contributed to the beautiful adaptations--mostly in skin, hair, and facial features--that we call "races". All adaptations are beautiful and effective. For example, darker skin melanin (natural sunscreen) protects the skin from harmful UV radiation. Crispier hair protects the skull against UV radiation and keeps the head cooler. A wider nose is more efficient inhaling humid / warm air. European adaptations in northern latitudes are exactly the same, but inverse. Lighter skin melanin allows more UV in for vitamin D production. Thinner air keeps the skull and neck warmer.  Thinner nostrils are more efficient in dry / cold air.  The classic Asian adaptation, the epicanthic fold, protects eyes working as natural sunglasses against the glare in snowy mountains. 


The adaptations above are testament of the fact that we are one race adapting to different environments over time. We can learn to appreciate all our biological adaptations. We can observe the fact that we are all members of the same race, the human race. 

Education can change beliefs. People used to belief in many gods and deities. Religious education changed this natural belief by replacing with the story of only one god. We could argue that it is better to belief in multiple gods rather than to believe in only one. Conversely, we can argue that believing in only one race is better than believing in many races. 


There is a lot of money to be made solving the problems of the world, including racism. Luckily for entrepreneurs and investors, problems will never ever cease to exist. Regardless of how many problems we solve, other problems will continue popping up like in an endless game of whack a mole. 

Don't waste your life becoming an outdated supremacist criminal. Don't follow Putin or Trump ideologies as they could turn you into a war criminal, a mass murderer, or a violent insurrectionist. 

Instigating racism and supremacy seems to have worked or be working well for people like Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Fox News, but is not advisable. You risk ending dead, in jail, or in the wrong side of history. 

Ending racism seems to be a better investment than trying to back in time. There should be more money and glory unifying our country than pulling it apart. Food for thought. What do you think?


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