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Showing posts from November, 2022


Mastodon is the new Twitter. Check it out. Read the rules. If you agree, open an account and give it a try. Many users are leaving Twitter after it was acquired and raided by Elon Musk. The richest man on Earth is controversial to say the least. By becoming a conservative political activist, Elon Musk has attracted a lot of hate. To some extent, the richest man on Earth seems to have a negative goodwill by now. Go figure. Slap is food for thought. Written philanthropy. Take more at   Haters gonna hate. You can be Jesus Christ and many people are going to hate you. Some will follow, and as a consequence some will hate. That is how goes with humans, the emotional storytelling primates (ESPs)  ruling the world.  Humans are emotional creatures. Emotions come first, and reasons follow. Hate is a common human emotion that derives from fear. There are two basic emotions controlling humans: fear and greed. Humans are greedy for pleasure, and fearful of pain.  Humans hate what they


Disfrutar means to enjoy in Spanish. For us it stands for Dopamine - Intelligence - Service - Fabrication - Religion - University - Tenency - Assistance - Recovery (DISFRUTAR). It's one of the many mnemonics  to get leads and tips for life.  Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at What do people want? It seems that people want to disfrutar, that is to enjoy life. That may not be a bad thing. You can live your life like it is a grand party. That does not mean to party like a degenerate rock star entertaining deadly vices and gimmicks. It means enjoying life to its fullest as a celebration of an unknown and brief experience that may or may not have a purpose at all.   What is the purpose of life? No one knows. It could be that life has no intrinsic purpose whatsoever. Life could be a happenstance in the sense of something that happens in energy fields without a deep philosophical reason behind it. Humans look for purpose and meaning in life. That


  If you are like everyone else, you want to have as much money as possible. Money allows you to buy the products and services that you need to survive and thrive in this journey called life. There is almost unlimited advice online about how to make money and prosper financially. The more you read, the better. Our two cents worth of advice is this acronym: "BOOSE". It stands for "become owner of service enterprises" (BOOSE). People with money own service enterprises. Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at Money is a human invention to facilitate trade and payment. Therefore, you make money by being paid for trade. You make money trading a service in exchange for money. You get to keep the proceeds of the transaction to the extent that you own the rights over them. That generally means that you own the relevant property rights.    Some people do not make any money because they do not provide any services. Some people do not make


Coding has proven essential to human survival and progress because it facilitates data processing, information sharing, and output collaboration. Coding is not only about digital information technology. Analog coding such as human languages preceded digital information technology. Improving your coding skills--analog and/or digital--should prove a rewarding investment move today and in the near future. Word to the wise: continuously improve your coding awareness, knowledge, and skills.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at Three skills set humans apart from all other animals: imagination, communication, and collaboration. Imagination allows humans to project images about the world or the "objective" reality out there. Communication allows humans to share these images, or ideas about them, with other humans. Collaboration allows humans to work together towards the achievement of common goals.  Presumably, most other animals also imagine, communicate, and colla


Trademarketing is what we call the art and science of marketing your trade. This is taking your trade (combo of products and services) to the market for trade. It is perhaps the same thing as marketing, but we call it trademarketing as a way of remembering that business is all about trading.  Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at   The purpose of your business should be to trade solutions. These solutions take the form of "goods" (products and services). These goods are exchanged for money or other valuable and legal consideration. To succeed in business, the needs of your clients should always come first. However, your clients will have unlimited needs and wants. Your clients may have unreasonable expectations and be irrational creatures as most humans. Even though your business can have an unlimited product line, to ensure customer satisfaction, focus on discreet segments within your product line. Look to satisfy very specific and nic


Are you looking into having some fun and making some money while you are at it? Aren't we all? Entrepreneurship is a way of seeking that having-fun / making-money path. Ideally you will be having fun developing a business venture and managing a commercial enterprise while trying to turn a vision into reality. Chances are that you will fail because most business ventures fail sooner or later. However, if it works, you could end up making some money, having some "war stories", and even "saving the world". Not even the sky is the limit. Space is the frontier and is practically endless and almost unlimited. The only limitation is ignorance, and we are working hard every day to learn more and more. The best is yet to come.   Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at The question is where to begin. How do you go about finding leads to explore? There are many ways. For the fun of it, let's think about three types of individuals or


Can you make a fortune with the "in-formation" business model? This is where you begin selling information until you can move into the formation of other goods (products and services) for sale.  Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at Using the in -formation approach you begin producing information formed from free information found around. You do not plagiarize, but rather create your own spinoff or completely derivative work. You begin selling information until you can make some money, amass some capital, and move into a "formation" phase where you can produce other goods (products and services) for sale.  From the information phase, you move into the formation phase if you want to grow and diversify. Otherwise, you can stay raking in profits selling information. After all, we are still in the information age and will stay there for a long while.  If you decide to move into the formation phase, you begin to develop products an


  How to start a business with little to no money. Easy. Start an information based service. Information is practically free these days. Become a cool source of information about a product or service. Add value to existing information. Create valuable information that you can exchange with others for money. Little by little, you can move from capital or valuable in-formation to capital or value formation. Read the examples below. Let us know what you think. Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at Example #1. Native language consulting service. Everyone has a native language. There are always consumers in the market for learning that language that you master as a native. How about becoming a consultant about your native language. Begin a podcast or video channel about your native language and how you use it. You don't have to be a formal or licensed teacher discussing grammar or formal rules of the language. You can simply discuss your way of the


Big entrepreneurial dreams without big money. That's a problem, and probably the most common one in entrepreneurship. There are many solutions ranging from raising capital to quitting the dream. A good solution is the in-formation to formation approach. This it to re-shape the dream to begin with what you can comfortably afford, which is information related to the dream that you want to produce. There is plenty of free information. You can create plenty of new information based on existing free information available online. Begin with in-formation and gradually grow into the "formation" of a bigger product line. From the free in-formation phase, you can gradually work yourself up into the more capital intensive "formation" phase. Confused? Continue reading. We'll try to explain what we mean. Maybe some of the ideas in the next few paragraphs can spark actionable ideas in your own brain. That's how  Slap is supposed to work. Feed into the brainstorm buffe


Many entrepreneurs dream of creating an uber-godly brand that can markup anything to become a global powerhouse conglomerate that can conquer the business world. These entrepreneurs dream of having the Midas touch to convert anything they touch into gold. For these entrepreneurs, we recommend what we call the golden parasite approach (GPA). Tap into an existing popular brand that you really like. Become an expert in the brand. Sell products and services of the brand or related to the brand without breaking licensing and trademark laws. Surf the popularity wave of the selected brand into becoming your own spinoff brand riding your own waves. Enjoy. Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at Anything is possible. Every business has a shot at flourishing into a global conglomerate. Think about Samsung, which began with a fruit and vegetable kiosk or stand at a local market in Korea. Gradually, Samsung grew into a global conglomerate selling advance techno


Virtual reality is as real as it gets. Digital "virtual" reality is as real as the "objective" analog reality that we contrast it to. Digits reside in computer chips as electrical impulses marked by semiconductor crystals like silicon. Computers are machines processing digital input into digital output, which becomes part of the overall "objective" reality that we perceive with our senses. All is one. Digits and digital products are part of the everything that makes up the one.  Slap is food for thought. Philanthropy in writing. Take more at   To understand digital technology and why it is as real as anything else, we should begin with understanding the term technology in general. Technology can be defined as "tools and methods". Technologies are the tools and methods employed by humans to interact with the environment and the rest of nature. Humans are part of nature, not separate and apart from it. Humans used tools and methods (te