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Showing posts from August, 2022


What if Trump is really a foreign agent? What if Trump was really selling classified secrets to our enemies? Would MAGA still support him? Yes. MAGA folks will support Trump in everything except giving up their guns. You know, the Second Amendment stuff. Slap is food for thought. Take more at For MAGA folks, there is only one thing more sacred than Trump. No, it is not Jesus Christ. It's the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms. Keep it mind that MAGA is a white supremacy group trying to take the country "back" from non WASP Americans. MAGA is a WASP supremacy group for which DeSantis, for example, is not white enough. Even if it turns our that Trump was selling secrets to foreign countries, MAGA folks would not care less. They will continue supporting Trump. They will rationalize that those foreign countries were "allies" trying to make America great again by stopping the progress and social change championed by liberals. Even if Trump turns


DeSantis is not white enough to replace Trump in MAGA world. DeSantis does not have Trump's white charisma. Remember that MAGA is above all an anglo-centric white supremacy movement. MAGA's goal is for a white anglo saxon protestant (WASP) take over of the country. MAGA's dream is to take the country "back" after perceiving that they lost it to nonwhites. Slap is food for thought. Take more at MAGA envisions a non-diverse and non-inclusive country where WASP values are the law of the land. Non-whites are welcomed into MAGA provided that they pledge allegiance to WASP whiteness values and ideals.  DeSantis is a Catholic, Italian American, Floridian, not suitable to lead MAGA. There is no easy replacement for Tump in MAGA world. DeSantis may be able to take over the Republican party after Trump's indictments, but it is doubtful that DeSantis can win the electoral college vote.  DeSantis's call to fame was his controversial handling of the COVID


What is the natural reaction when you are caught in possession of stolen merchandise or in the commission of any other crime? For many it's something like this:       I didn't do it.       If I did it, it wasn't a crime.       If it was a crime, I shouldn't be indicted.       If I'm indicted, I shouldn't be arraigned or arrested.      If I'm arraigned or arrested, I should be released without a bond.     If  I'm released, I shouldn't be prosecuted.       If I'm prosecuted, I shouldn't be convicted.       If I'm convicted, I shouldn't be sentenced.      If I'm sentenced, I should be pardoned.      If  I'm pardoned, I should go back to business.      If I go back to business, you mind y our own business.     All's good.  Keep calm and carry on.  Slaps is food for thought. Take more at Trump and his supporters keep rationalizing his crimes. All of a sudden, when the racists MAGA "christ" is caught in po


How much would you pay to buy yourself a country? What if that country is the United States of America? Investing in Trump is a penny stock that can pay off super well for Trump supporters. They're not dumb or stupid. They're smart and greedy.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Conventional "wisdom" on the left is that Trump supporters are stupid morons conned by the Don. That is hardly the case. Trump supporters are trying to take the country "back" on the cheap. The country changed on them. Progress left them behind. Betting on Trump is the best chance that they've got.  For the most part, the base of Trump supporters are what the elite and the establishment calls deplorable "white trash". This so-called "trash" people are not faring well in a new globalized world controlled by science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). This "trash" feels that progress is leaving them far behind. They wish going b


Boring. It will be boring without Trump. Whether you love, hate, or are indifferent about Trump, the fact is that Trump is a unique American. Unfortunately for Trump and his handlers (the 80 million white supremacists that want to stop liberalism to take the country "back"), Trump is facing serious, very serious, legal problems. The Trump era is coming to an end. Trump will be missed. American politics will be boring again without Trump.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at American politics was very boring before Trump's Make American Great Again (MAGA) movement. Actually, with Obama in the White House, American politics began to pick the interest of the masses. Before Obama, presidential elections were about the same dull choices: pick the moderate white guy to do the job. Either candidate was basically the same.  Obama changed everything. Obama's election woke up the white supremacist dormant dragon in American politics. Trump and many others answer


Wow! How can we explain this in very simple terms that even Trump supporters can understand? Just kidding, we know that Trump supporters are not stupid. Trump supporters are super smart and know what they are trying to accomplish with Trump. They are trying to fight the elite liberal establishment that runs the modern culture of our country. Trump supporters are trying to take America "back". Slap is food for thought. Take more at But today was a heavy rain day in Trump world. Perhaps it was a stormy day. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Trump Organization in New York City pleaded guilty to tax evasion and tax fraud. That is huge. Not only that. Trump's CFO is now required to testify TRUTHFULLY under oath about others involved in the fraud. If he fails to testify truthfully about the Trump Org tax practices, he would be thrown in jail for 15 years!  This criminal case development is not going to go well for Trump and his family. What are the chances t


Keep it simple stupid (KISS). KISS explains why Trump is so popular. KISS is also the easiest way to defeat Trump.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Trump is a symptom, not a cause.  It's easy to blame Trump for everything that is wrong with conservatives. However, Trump is only one person. Trump supporters are more than 80 million Americans. Trump supporters are the Americans who are displeased and dissatisfied with how our Nation has changed in the last two or three decades.  Remember when Obama supporters chanted: Change, Change, Change. Well, Trump supporters are upset with that change. Obama's election to the presidency in 2008 was a wakeup call for all those Americans who would become Trump supporters years later.  Trump's art is to keep things simple Trump communicates in simple terms and codes that his supporters understand and appreciate. On the left, and in the world of the elite establishment, everything is complicated and highly specialized. I


If Trump is the christ for American evangelical politics, Jared Kushner, his son in law, may be Judas Iscariot. Apparently, someone ratted out Trump to the FBI. Trump may have stolen Top Secret documents from the White House. Perhaps the documents were sold to Saudi Arabia or other foreign actors. Coincidentally, Jared and Ivanka had received $2 billion dollars in play money for their investment fund. Maybe they found themselves deep in a federal investigation, and had to cooperate with the feds. They are too young to go to jail. Trump is to old to go to jail and will be pardoned by the next Republican president, be it himself or anybody else.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at Jared comes from a fancy crime family. Jared's dad is a multi-million dollar real estate developer, and a convicted felon. Jared's dad served two years in a federal prison after pleading guilty of obstructing justice in a deeply embarrassing manner. In the 1990s and 2000s, Jared's


Trump supporters are good American Christians.  As American Christians, Trump supporters are well trained in the art and craft of suspending disbelief. Trump supporters know how to mold the "truth" self-servingly to promote their perceived best interests and wellbeing.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Trump supporters are not the fools or "morons" that the left think they are. Trump supporters are witty and wickedly smart. Trump supporters are not being conned by a Yankee old man. Instead, Trump supporters are using--if not abusing--the old power junkie to their advantage. Trump offers a rare opportunity never presented before in American politics. Trump can implode the establishment. Trump can help the racist right stop globalization and take the country "back". At least that is what Trump supporters hope their new christ can miraculously do for them. What do you think?   There is a difference between what is true and the truth.  What


Could it be that the $2 Billion plus in seed capital money that the Saudi government gave Ivanka and Jared are in fact a payment for American nuclear secrets stole by Trump? It's possible. We may only know if Trump battles DOJ in court. Hopefully Trump supporters can convince the old man to quarrel with DOJ. We will know more and will learn from the security failures that allowed Trump to steal our nuclear secrets.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at When the FBI gets you in possession of stolen or illegally obtained classified documents, you are in trouble. You may be an old white man celebrity manipulated by millions of racists, but you are still in deep trouble.  August 2022 has not been a good month for Trump. The old man had to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights to avoid self incrimination in a tax fraud case in New York. Days later the feds raided his palace in Florida. The feds found Trump in possession of classified documents stolen from the White House. Tru


Trump world is changing diapers today.  Federal police caught Trump in illegal possession of classified documents. That is a serious federal crime punishable by imprisonment under the Espionage Act.  Trump's initial reaction was denial. Trump alluded that the FBI had planted evidence against him. Realizing that a conspiracy theory against the FBI will not work, at least not overnight, Trump changed his social media defense to say that the documents were not classified because he had declassified them.  Faced with the inconvenient truth that some of the documents in his possession were never declassified, and arguably cannot be declassified by a president, Trump world change the "defense" to pointing to Hillary Clinton. Trump has been deafeningly silent in the past 20 hours or so. Apparently, Trump lawyers advised him to take the social media equivalent of the Fifth Amendment and stop self-incriminating himself and proving the potential criminal charges against him.  Trump


Let Trump supporters grieve. They're humans too. Trump is in deep legal trouble. Trump was caught in possession of stolen classified documents. That is a serious federal crime for which Trump himself signed a law increasing criminal penalties. Trump is the best chance that his supporters have of establishing a "white" supremacy government in the United States. Today, that dream seems farther and more impossible than ever. Slap is food for though. Take more at  As part of the natural stages of grief when caught committing a crime, most Trump supporters are crying "not fair". Many are trying to deflect Trump's probable culpability by referring to Hillary Clinton. They have a point. Trump was right about it too. As presidential candidate, Trump explained that mishandling classified documents is a serious federal crime. According to Trump, Hillary was supposed to be locked up in jail for mishandling classified documents.  As President, Trump signed


Trump supporters are not stupid. Trump is their best chance of getting what they want. Once you know what Trump supporters really want, you understand everything about the supposed "cult" of Trump. To figure out what Trump supporters really want just think about that one thing, that one thing only, and only that one thing, that Trump supporters would not allow him to do. Do you know what that is?   Snap is food for thought. Take more at Before we jumping in, think about the current events surrounding Trump. There is probable cause to believe that Trump violated federal laws by stealing Top Secret classified documents from the White House. Imagine the political outrage of the Republicans if Obama had stolen a napkin from the White House.  Trump Gun Let's begin with what Trump supporters want. Trump supporters want power, "white" power for that matter. That's all there is to it. That's why Trump supporters allow him to do and say whatever he w


Trump went nuclear agains the United States of America.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at  Apparently, Trump stole Top Secret nuclear documents from the White House.  Speculations run from Trump planning to give the documents to Putin or sell them to the Saudis. This is nuclear even for the most evangelicals fanatics of the cult of Trump. This should be the end of the political career of Donald Trump. Food for thought. What do you think?


The "browning" of America is our survival strategy. Our "white" population is not enough to grow our economic and military power at the pace required to beat our rivals. So called "nonwhites" are essential to the wellbeing of our Nation. That's why the establishment is bringing down Donald Trump.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at Some "whites" (Anglos or European Americans) are resentful of the fact that our Nation is quickly becoming mostly nonwhite. Whites will become a minority. The conservative repeal of Roe v Wade may even accelerate the trend preventing many nonwhite women from limiting their reproduction.  Many "whites" feel disenfranchised. The elite and globalist establishment of the "left" has embarked into a multi decade mission of growing immigration from Latin America, Africa, and Asia into the United States. In the past, racist laws only allowed immigration from European countries. Many &q


Americans are not stupid. We all know why Trump took the fifth. Between confessing a crime and  avoiding self incrimination, most Americans will do the latter by invoking the Fifth Amendment to our Constitution. The Fifth Amendment is a sacred to Trump supporters as the Second Amendment. No one can blame Trump for not admitting wrongdoing. His supporters know his style. They will not take this against him. Instead, they will be even more proud of their mafia-like boss. All they want is that Trump keeps fighting the elite establishment that is changing "their" country and leaving them behind in a globalized and highly complex world.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at Americans are not stupid. Trump is an American. Trump is not stupid. Trump will not help the legal establishment prove cases against him. Trump will take the fifth plus grift his supporters to pay for his legal defense.  Nothing will happen to Trump. His supporters will keep loving him unconditi

Biden economy

Making money in the Biden economy is not fundamentally different from making money in the Trump economy. All you have to do is sell goods for profit.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at To make money in the American economy, you must sell goods for profit.  Let's examine all the elements above one by one. Let's review the following concepts: to make; money; American; economy; must; sell; goods; and profit.      - To make is a transitive verb. It entails taking action to create a result. That tells you that unless you take action, some sort of action, you will not make money.     - Money is a human technology (tool and method) for economic valuation, payment, and storage of value.     - American is the gerund that refers to the United States of America.     - Economy is the sum of all trade or exchange of goods.     - Goods are either products or services.     -Profit is the positive difference between your production cost and your revenue. If you want to make m