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Showing posts from June, 2022

American Christian Taliban

The U.S. Supreme Court keeps marching backwards with one ruling after another. Today it was about not regulating power plants. The other day was about allowing states to force unwanted pregnancies on women. Before that was about limiting the ability of the states to control guns. If we keep marching back, we may get to slavery, burning women alive, and other ways of sacrificing humans to please the gods.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Awkwardly backwardly conservatives Somehow conservatives prefer tradition over progress. Instead of moving forward with new technologies, conservatives preach going back to old traditions. What part of white history do conservatives fail to understand? Indo-European tribes rejoiced in primitive and brutal traditions. They even sacrificed humans to please their imaginary gods. To learn more, google: "celts human sacrifice". Germanic tribes were also super primitive and violent. Google "germanic tribes human sacrifice&qu

Democracy is better than war

Politics is the best sport on Earth. Democracy is not perfect; it's simply a substitute for war. For democracy to work, the loser of the contest must accept defeat. All sitting presidents of the United States who have lost elections while in power have accepted defeat except one, Trump. Mounting evidence against Trump coming from the January 6th Hearings seems to indicate that Trump planned a violent coup to stay in power even after knowing that he had lost the elections. If that is the case, Trump should be indicted and prosecuted to preserve the rule of law and secure the future of democracy. Slap is food for thought. Take more at Democracy vs war In the old days, political power was gained by waging war. Opposing groups would go to battle. Whoever won the war would get the political power. All major civilizations developed their status by becoming experts at war.  Whoever had the best armies and weapons would typically win. That is still the case to this date, and t

MAGA Christian Meltdown

Trump is having a MAGA meltdown today. The January 6th Hearings presented compelling testimony against Trump today. A former White House staffer declared under oath new details about Trump's direct knowledge and participation in the failed insurrection conspiracy and violent coup of J6.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at MAGA folks don't give a fudge about the J6 Hearings.  MAGA folks do not care if Trump attempted a coup or not. MAGA folks care about making America Christian White again. For MAGA folks, liberals and Democrats are worse than a coup. If at all, for MAGA folks the only bad thing about Trump's failed coup attempt is that it failed. Liberals beat Trump again by stopping his miserable coup.  MAGA folks hope that Trump can be re-elected and in that four years he can prepare a successful coup for January 2028. But if Trump does not get his act together and solve his legal problems soon, MAGA folks will ditch him to nominate DeSantis or anyone els

Aborting Whiteness

MAGA is a movement of white pain. Whites are becoming a minority, and are afraid of losing the privileges accumulated after centuries of racism and colonization. Beer and politicians are the pain killers of choice. Bud Light and Trump run deep in the MAGA red zone. There is nothing to be afraid of folks. Diversity is not about the oppression of any "race", but rather about celebrating our individual differences knowing that we are all members of the only one race, the human race.   Slap is food for thought.  Take more at Aborting Whiteness Americans are growing out of the whiteness cult. Whiteness is the cult belief that everything "white" (anglo or northwestern European) is inherently superior to anything else in the world. Whiteness derives from history and tradition marked by centuries of racism and colonization. American culture is growing strong in diversity and inclusion.   Most Americans know that no single group of people on Earth is responsible

Abortions for the greater good

Abortions serve the greater good of humanity. Yes, human life does begin at conception. Yes, an innocent person should not be murdered. However, a human embryo is not yet a person.  Forcing a woman to carry on an unwanted pregnancy is cruel and unusual punishment. Humanely ending the life of her unwanted human embryo (e.g. without pain under anesthesia) saves the life of the mother, and saves the embryo from the pain and suffering of not having a loving mother. Religious beliefs cannot be imposed on non-believers.  Slap is food for thought. If this post makes you think, it is doing its job. Take more at Life begins at conception As soon as the male sperm fertilizes the female egg, human life begins. The embryo carries the potential of becoming a person. Human embryos need the loving care of a mother to flourish into a born person.  While some women would metaphorically kill for the opportunity to be pregnant, other women prefer to end their pregnancies by killing unwanted

Trump is not happy

Trump is not happy with the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade, or it's "horrible" timing. Personally, Trump is in favor of medically safe and legal abortions. After all, that had been the law of the land for decades. Politically, Trump knows that the decision will back fire against him. After all, Trump appointed most of the Justices who reversed Roe v Wade even after telling him and testified under oath that they would not do such a thing. Trump knows that the decision will make him even less popular and that many more Americans will favor his upcoming criminal indictment. Snap is food for though. Take more at  For every action, there's a reaction. The Supreme Court's repeal of Roe v Wade is a temporary victory for ultra conservative Americans. The decision is making a few Americans happy, and the vast majority Americans super mad.  The Supreme Court's decision was patently religious in nature. The vast majority of Americans, even if re

Guns and abortions

If you don't like the direction where conservatives are going, you have an easy option: vote Democrat. Conversely, if you don't like the direction where liberals are going, you have an easy option: vote Republican. Free your mind, free your vote. Vote for whatever it is you believe in.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at The conservative majority in the U.S. Supreme Court is on a roll. This week the Court ruled in favor of gun rights, and ruled against abortion rights. Conservatives are pro gun rights, and against abortion rights. Liberals tend to be against guns, and tend to be pro-abortion.  This is not about right vs wrong. Those are labels. What for some people may be right may be wrong for others, and vice versa. We live in a diverse nation and should be proud of our wide and strong diversity of thought.  Diversity of thought Conservatives look to history and tradition to decide the course of their lives. Progressives look to modernity and trends to set th

Pardon seekers will be pardoned

Economic inflation and political deflection are at record highs. The Nation learned today that some Republican / conservative members of Congress proactively sought presidential pardons for their involvement in federal crimes trying to keep Trump in power after the losing the 2020 presidential elections. These politicians will not accept any guilt whatsoever, and will not be abandoned by their core supporters. These pardon seekers will allege that they sought pardons knowing that the evil Democrats would "fabricate" charges against them. Their MAGA supporters will not believe them, of course, but will support them anyways. Many liberals can't understand conservatives, and vice versa. For example, many liberals or progressives have a hard time understanding how conservatives can say that they would vote for Trump even after knowing what Trump did after losing the 2020 presidential elections; or how they can support these pardon seekers. Conservatives, on the other hand, ha

Go long on diversity and short racism

Go long on diversity. Short racism. In investing, going "long" refers to buying. Shorting refers to selling. To be well off, you long (buy) what you think will appreciate over time. To avoid losing, you short what you think will depreciate over time. These financial concepts can be applied well to the world of political science and sociology. In that context, the best possible advice is to go long on diversity and short racism. Slap is food for thought. Take more at Racism represents the past. Diversity represents the future.  Racism is a socio economic system based on the ill and primitive concept of race. In reality, all humans are members of the same race, the human race. Humans inherit the physical traits of their recent ancestors. The environmental and mostly climatological factors in different regions around the globe caused different adaptations in skin, hair, facial profile, and body mass composition of humans. Most of these adaptations evolved to deal wi

Trump, a criminal that won't change

This is why Trump will not change his ways. Changing our ways is as easy as changing our religious and political views. It's super difficult actually. Although everything is in constant change around us, the human brain prefers inertia. What are the chances that Trump will change his ways so late in his life? Zero to none. MAGA folks will have to either accept or reject Trump as he is. The vast majority of Americans will continue rejecting Trump for how he is.  Slap is food for thought. Take out more at  Behavioral change is difficult  Some people manage to master change in life. However, they are a minority. Change is difficult. Our brains seem wired to prefer inertia over change. The longer a belief or conduct is around, the harder it is to change it.  While it is difficult to change, it is not impossible. If you are personally trying to change or improve something in your life, don't get discouraged. Keep reading to see if you find nourishing food for thought. 

Happy Juneteenth Anti-MAGA Day!

Every day is Juneteenth! Free your mind! The information age keeps liberating everyone who wants to be free. At the same time, social media echo chambers keep enslaving folks who want to remain stuck in the past. MAGA folks come to mind. MAGA folks seem to be the same confederates of the past whining about the loss of slavery, and living afraid of social change. What do you think?  Slap is food for thought. Take out at Juneteenth Groundhog Day Juneteenth commemorates the end of legal physical slavery in the American confederate states. That was a great day for our country. We should celebrate it every single day. America's socio economic growth became unparalleled worldwide since we ended slavery for good.  Slavery was not an American invention, of course. Our credit is ending slavery, not beginning it.  We are the only world superpower that famously fought a civil war tied to ending the inhumane practice of slavery. That is to a great extent the reason we became a glo

One man against the system

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban could find himself in a lot of trouble soon. Through one of his investments, an online pharmacy, Mr. Cuban is waging a price war against the pharmaceutical industry ("big pharma"). One man against the system does not tend to play out well for the man.  Slap is food for thought. Take out at One man against the system Whenever you have one man betting against the system, your better odds are betting on the system. It will not be surprising if Mr. Cuban's online pharmacy venture is suddenly investigated for a myriad of potential violations. Meds are sacred in American culture. The medical and pharmaceutical establishment is unbeatable. Many others have tried to revolutionize the system. Good luck to Mr. Cuban. Unfortunately, we are betting against his venture. One way or another, big pharma will prevail. Moving onto politics now, we are also betting heavily against Trump. The MAGA king is rallying around essentially confessing to

Purpose of life

Invest in yourself. We are living in the best times ever known to humanity. Of course, there are a lot of crazy problems out there and everything is changing fast. Problems and changes are constants in life. As long as we are alive, problems and changes will be always with us. We are better off enjoying the challenge of becoming problem solvers and learning to adapt to constant and rapid change. Ride the waves. Enjoy the ups and downs. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Slap is food for thought. Take out more at The purpose of life No one knows what life is, much less what its purpose may be, if any. For sure, many people have theories and beliefs. Religion is an ancient coping mechanism to deal with the uncertainties of life. Typically the power of the gods begin where human knowledge ends.  The more we learn the more we know we know nothing. Therefore, the psychological needs for believing in super natural forces tend to increase. Not believing is more rational t

MAGA folks are not stupid

MAGA folks are not stupid. MAGA folks know full well what they are doing and why. Like everyone else, including liberals, MAGA folks are looking for their perceived wellbeing. MAGA folks will follow Trump, a chimp, or anyone else who they believe can get them what they want, which above all is to stop liberalism. Just like liberals, but in the opposite direction, MAGA folks seek conservatism believing that it will bring them a better (less painful and more pleasurable) life.  Slap is food for thought. Take out more at Emotional creatures Humans are emotional creatures. Emotions come first. Reasons follow. There are two basic emotions controlling humans: fear and greed. Fear relates to pain (physical or mental). Greed relates to pleasure (physical or mental).  All animals survive avoiding pain, and seeking pleasure. Humans are not an exception. All our ancestors survives that way, and the pain / pleasure mechanism survived in all of us. However, we humans are advanced prima

Biden Presidential Medal of Freedom for Mike Pence?

Not even Walmart wants to sleep with MAGA anymore. Walmart announced today that it is cutting the contract with My Pillow, a company owned by a MAGA lunatic. When we think about people of Walmart, we think of MAGA people. Seeing that not even Walmart wants to be associated with the MAGA cult is quite impressive. Also in the news today is how the prices of meat are expected to keep increasing. We cannot be happier for cattle, and for humans too. The less animals we kill the better. The less dead animal meat we eat, the better. Don't take our word for it. Try it.   Slap is food for thought. Take out at Walmart shoppers will find other pillows to buy. Cutting ties with the My Pillow guy seems like a reasonable move because the guy seems stuck on Trump. By cutting ties with the MyPillow guy, Walmart is signaling to be cutting ties with Trump too.  Everyone is abandoning Trump, which could be a "good" thing or a "bad" thing depending on who replaces him

Trump will not be prosecuted

If you cannot afford gas or groceries, Trump would call you a loser. Trump became a billionaire in the most expensive city in the world. High prices were not a problem for Trump, but rather an opportunity. Prices are high when economies are strong. If you are a Trump supporter, you should be able to prosper in any economy just like he did in New York City. If you are complaining about high prices and that life is not fair, you are sounding like a loser. As you know well, Trump hates losers.  Slap is food for thought. Take out at Love is love. Many Americans love Trump. Democrats make the love of Trump stronger by trying to forbid it. Americans who love Trump are entitled to support the old white man. He is not fooling them. They know exactly what Trump stands for, and that is exactly what they want. That is one of the many perils of democracy: one person, one vote. That is also what diversity is all about. We can disagree, have different opinions, and still be Americans.