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Showing posts from September, 2022


Can Ron DeSantis break the pizza ceiling? The United States has never had an Italian American president. DeSantis could be the first one. DeSantis has the best chances of becoming our first Italian American president in history. It all depends on the timing of Trump's indictment for violations of the Espionage Act, and the resolution of all other legal investigations and upcoming proceedings against the Trump man. DeSantis cannot beat Trump, but if Democrats succeed in burying Trump under the weight of all the laws he has broken, DeSantis has a decent chance of winning the Republican nomination and turning the 2024 presidential elections into a interesting toss up.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Italian Americans along with Irish Americans, Polish Americans, and other non-WASP Europeans used to be the low class whites in America. In a WASP dominated country, these Catholics used to occupy the bottom caste in the American white world. This was especially true d


Do Floridians keep dying in record numbers under Ron DeathSantis? That is what Republican headlines would say if DeSantis was a Democrat. Hurricane Ian killed many Floridians. Is it DeSantis fault? Florida had the most avoidable number of COVID deaths in the Nation. That is what many argue even if it's impossible to prove. Can humans control mother nature? Yes. It requires more science, and less mythology. Less fascism, more freedom. Less racism, more diversity. Less tradition, more progress.  Slap is food for though. Take more at "Fat, phony, and whiny."  Reportedly, that's how the MAGA King describes DeSantis. It sounds as a projection because many describe Trump exactly the same way. DeSantis can be seen as the Catholic Italian American version of Trump. At DeSantis's age, Trump, however, was slender and arguably better looking. If DeSantis does not fit his lifestyle, he may not reach Trump's advanced age, or do so in even worse shape than the


Another hurricane season, another hurricane destroying Florida. This time is Ian eating away Florida's southwest coast and parts of central florida. Some other times is the panhandle. Sometimes is Miami and the east coast. The state is blessed in distress.  Ian will flood parts of Florida tonight and tomorrow. The federal government will rescue Florida with billions in federal relief funds. The governor will do his best to take credit. Everyone will take as much relief money as possible. Just like in the COVID crisis, people will take the money happily and complain furiously afterward about public debt and inflation. It's an election year. The Biden administration and the DeSantis administration will try to outdo each other caring for Floridians affected by hurricane Ian and catering to the economic interests of the state. Floridians will take the money, and carry on. More people will continue moving to Florida looking for that sunshine and no income tax.  Neither hurricanes no


Is it the United States of America, or the United States vs America? Politics is a competition for power. It seems that in our country the competition is between those who want to move forward with a progressive "United States", and those who want to move backward to a colonial / racist "America". Slap is food for thought. Enjoy more at Democracy is not perfect. It's just better than the alternative, which is typically war followed by a dictatorship. In a strong democracy, each party must play to win. However, players are expected to play by the rules and concede when they lose.  Tump is a loser egomaniac. Trump lost the 2020 elections to Joe Biden. Instead of accepting defeat, Trump created a conspiracy theory about stolen elections in broad daylight. Despite the absence of evidence, Trump insists on repeating the lie. Trump is a sore loser destined to keep losing.  In the sports of politics, you should not expect one "team" to surrender


DeSantis - Giuliani 2024 . Imagine for a moment such a "dream" presidential ticket. An Italian-American, Catholic-Fascist, Racist-Republican, presidential ticket to illustrate the current state of our politics. Such ticket would fail because it wouldn't be "white" enough for the Republican base.  Slap is food for thought. Crave more at DeSantis and Giuliani are considered "white" (i.e. beige colored skin from European descent). However, they are not white anglo saxon protestant (WASP). Therefore, they are not white enough to carry the day for Republicans.  DeSantis is a young version of Rudy Giuliani. For him, the worst is yet to come in Republican politics. Ron is today what Rudy was twenty years ago. Out of their micro cosmos they surged in National recognition after an unprecedented crisis. Rudy was America's mayor after 9-1-1. As the mayor of New York City, he led the city during the aftermath of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist


No one wants to read a post arguing that there is no "white" race. No one wants to read a post stating that human skin is never white, and that human skin is either brown, beige, or black. No one wants to hear that absolutely all Americans are people are people of color because all humans have color. People want to read inspiring stories like the colossal rise and fall of Donald Trump, the Orange Jesus from New York.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at It's time for Justice People want to know when and how will justice finally catch up to Trump. We want to know to what extent the old man is an ordinary business criminal like a tax fraud, or a movie-like double agent  selling top nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia and top secret intelligence to Russia.  People wonder if Trump can ever be prosecuted for planning and inciting on live TV a historic insurrectionist attack against the U.S. Capitol videotaped live simultaneously in hundreds of smart phones. People


What does it mean to be "white"? Is it a racist way of saying that someone is not brown or black? All humans are people of color. Human skin colors are beige, brown, black, and all tones in between. No one is white. Human skin is never white. However, culture refers to "whites" and "nonwhites"; or even worse , to "whites" and "people of color" as if beige was not a color. Why is that? Can we ever escape it? Slap is food for thought. A snack for the mind. Take more at Ending white privilege is essential to end racism. Popular culture divides the world in two groups: whites; and nonwhites. Or even worse (even more privileged), between "whites" and "people of color". It's time to wake up. White people are actually of beige color. That is a fact.  Run an easy experiment. Find the palest human around you. Compare the skin color to a white shirt or white socks. Do you see the difference? So-called white sk


Is it time to stop calling people "white"? No one is white. Human skin colors include: beige, brown, and black. Descendants of people that inhabited northern / cold latitudes (e.g. Northern Europe and Northern Asia) inherited beige pigmentation or melanin. Descendants of people of tropical / warm latitudes inherited brown or black melanin. All humans are people of color. Perhaps it's long due to stop referring to people as "white". What do you think? Slap is food for thought. Take more at    Racism is a socioeconomic system based on the construct of race.  Different socioeconomic systems assign social privileges and economic benefits on different bases. For example, capitalism assigns privilege and benefit based on the concept of money ("capital"). Socialism assigns privilege and benefit based on the concept of civil society. Communism assigns privilege and benefit based on the concept of community, which in practice translate to membershi


Today is a good day to quit MAGA and dump Trump. The Court of Appeals ruled against Trump, allowing the investigation about stolen classified documents and potential espionage to continue. The State of New York filed a civil fraud case airing Trump's dirty laundry for everyone to laugh about. Being a racist is out of fashion. Let's continue ending racism by burying Trump's political career under the weight of the law.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at   Most MAGA folks if not all are racists even if they do not understand it. The majority are also low class Americans of anglo saxon descent that feel left behind by social progress in our country. These are people of color, color beige, and also known as rednecks in the South and white trash everywhere, who remain at the bottom of American society. The collective dream of the MAGA base is to take the country back and backwards to the times of legal and culturally acceptable racism. Racism is a socio economi


A slow and steady pace towards securing a shameful political death of Donald Trump will benefit the Nation. Understandably, most Americans are sick and tired of Trump and his racist and fascist cult. Most Americans want an immediate end to the Trump nightmare. Some want to see Trump indicted and convicted overnight. Others prefer a massive heart attack, or whatever else may wipe him out for good. Patience is a virtue. It is better to keep killing Trump's political movement slowly and steadily. It will teach a better and more comprehensive lesson about the need to end racism and avoid fascism.    Slap is food for thought. Take more at Patience is a virtue.  It is better to bury Trump alive under the weight of the law, one day at a time. We will prove that no one is above the law in our country. Not even the MAGA King himself will escape justice. As any other American, Trump is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. That is the goal, and that


Of god - abortion - gender - illegal immigration (Ogagii). Welcome to Ogagii, a controversial discussion about controversial topics. God is the greatest human invention of all times. Abortion is a human right. Gender is fluid. Illegal immigration is illegal. That is basically the liberal position on Ogagii. Do you agree?  Slap is food for thought. Take more at God exists. God exists in the human mind. The question is whether there are gods outside of the realm of human fiction and imagination. No one to this date has been able to prove empirically the existence of gods. Tracking the evidence as far back as we can go, the facts lead to imaginary stories invented by primitive humans.  Abortion is the practice of killing or terminating the life of a zygote, a fetus, or an embryo. The question is whether said killing should be legal or illegal. That requires exercise of human judgement. To base the decision based on the rulings of an imaginary god or gods is too primitive for


Where do you stand in the ideological battleground? Most likely than not, you stand with your tribe. If you are like 80% of the voters, it doesn't matter what the ideological arguments are. You trapped in your socioeconomic tribe. You stand with your peer. You stand with your tribe. You will vote based on your self identity and socioeconomic affiliation within society whether that is based on "racial", religious, educational, or any other grounds. The issues such as abortion and immigration are mostly irrelevant pretexts for tribal affiliation. Each political "tribe" will rationalize and spin the issues. Which side is 100% correct? None.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at If you are a MAGA supporter, you may wonder why you find racism and nationalism so appealing and attractive. You may be in denial or in total state of ignorance without realizing that MAGA is a racist nationalist movement. If you are a Biden supporter, you may wonder why you f


Politics is a competition for power. Politics in our country is a competitive sport. By definition, there will be a winning side and a losing one. The candidate / party that can mobilize the most voters to the polls on election day wins. The one with less votes, loses. It's that simple. The question is how you motivate people to vote, and vote for your side. Emotional issues are key; everything else is irrelevant. In the upcoming primaries, inflation and nonwhite immigrants (NWIs) will motivate Republicans. Forced pregnancies and anti Trumpism will motivate Democrats.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Rational arguments are irrelevant. We spend so much time trying to come up with rational arguments that can change minds, that we fool ourselves into believing that voting is a rational exercise. It is not. Politics is an emotional human endeavor.  Emotions are the key to determine if someone is going to vote, and if so, for whom. How people feel emotionally about t


Here's a little "secret" about MAGA: it's a racist and fascist movement. That's why so many Americans find it so appealing, attractive, and quite frankly, addictive. Of course, not all MAGA folks are racists and fascists. Yet the movement itself is. MAGA gives some the hope and illusion that there is a way of returning to an imaginary perfect past era of unapologetic European ("white") supremacy in our country. There is no way to go back in time. In addition, where a movement is led by an egomaniac under multiple criminal investigations, the prospects of success are not looking good. Today is a good day as any to quit MAGA and dump Trump. Slap is food for thought. Take more at Making America "White" Again Making America "great again" is an euphemism or code speak for making America "white" again. Initially, this was not widely known or understood. Many thought that MAGA was a traditional conservative movement tr


Imagine if Trump was black or brown. Imagine if Trump had an African, an African-American, or a Hispanic accent. How many MAGA folks would follow a dark-skinned egomaniac claiming to be a super smart, perfect human specimen, that knows it all and can "save" America taking it backwards?  How would MAGA react to such a political candidate? Not many would follow him. Why? Racism. Trump's appeal has everything to do with his "race", and the quest for re-establishing white supremacy in the United States.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Racism  Racism is a socioeconomic system based on the social construct of race. Understanding racism begins with understanding the concept of race. Race is a human fiction. Race is an artificial (man made) creation or invention based on the different biological traits and external features of humans. Regardless of those external differences, we are all humans. We are all members of the one and only race, the human


There is a disconnect between traditional Christianity and MAGA's version of Christianity. Jesus Christ was a Jewish liberal who stayed out of politics while advocating for poverty, peace, and love until he was crucified to death by the conservatives of his times. MAGA Christians are conservatives, seeking financial prosperity through re-establishing white supremacy through fascism if necessary. MAGA's mission is to take the country "back" by force if needed (e.g. J6 insurrection) and take it backwards (i.e. white patriarchy and other historical traditions).  Slap is food for thought. Take more at The most curious and mind-boggling aspect of MAGA Christianity is the idolatry of Donald J Trump, who is essentially the anti Christ. You cannot think of someone more radically opposite to JC than DJT. Yet, MAGA Christians are attracted to Trump like flies are attracted to poop. To be sure, Democrats are not angels and are not perfect by any stretch of the imagi


MAGA leverages three latent forces in our country: religion, racism, and fascism. These forces are appealing to millions of Americans who feel anxious about social change. MAGA's mission is to stop social change to take the country "back". There are rational arguments against MAGA. However, politics is an emotional game. In the end, most Americans will vote based on tribalism and identity, following the instinct of self-preservation.     Slap is food for thought. Take more at We are deeply divided in our country, and that is a actually a very good thing. It's comforting when everyone thinks the same way, but we run the risk of falling into an abyss. If we are happily going in the wrong direction, we perish even if merrily. Diversity of thought and disagreement allow us to test out different solutions and hedge our bets about what direction to take. Some may fall into an abyss, while others may be able to survive and thrive.   It is naive to think that a N