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Showing posts from October, 2022


What is next in digital technology? The simple answer is more of it. More IT and more of it. The next decades will keep expanding the digital revolution that began a few decades ago. The digitalization of everything will continue. Slap is food for thought. Written philanthropy. Take more at   The history of humanity can be told from the perspective of the technologies (tools and methods) helping humans survive and thrive. During the stone age, humans were hunter gatherers using stone tools and methods to cut meats, develop weapons, etc. The agricultural era brought technologies (tools and methods) based on planting seeds and domesticating farm animals. The bronze age and the iron age brought tools and methods based on metals. The industrial revolution brought tools and methods based on machines that were first powered by steam and later by electricity. Each age or revolution sparked growth and the development of more accessory tools and methods.  The digital age brings ma


Imagination and communication are what sets humans apart from all other animals. To increase your chances of success focus on sharpening the ability to run images in your brain (imagination) plus the ability to share those images with other brains in your community (communication). Slap is food for thought. Take more at Writers wanted. Become a guest contributor. Contact us at Presumably many other animals, if not all, have the capacity of running images in their brains. After all, the reality that each animal species perceive is just a segment of the stimuli out there. And the fact that we may perceive something a certain way does not mean that it is exactly that way. Colors, for example, do not really exist, but are simply how our brains process variations in the light spectrum that reflects from surfaces and enters our eyes.  We see with our brains, not our eyes. What we "see" is not what is out there, but rather the projections generated by


Imagination and communication are what set humans apart from all other animals. Imagination and communication are the two skills that can make you happy, and help you survive and thrive. Finally, imagination and communication are also the skills that can help you make money and prosper in life.  Slap is food for thought. Take more every day at Apportte Publishing. Contact us at Humans are storytelling primates. What sets humans apart from all other animals is the capacity to generate images in our brains (imagination) plus the ability to share those images from brain to brain within a community (communication).  To generate images, our brains receive external input and process it into images or imagery output. What we "see" is not what is out there, but rather what our brains project internally. We "see" the images that our brains produce after processing the input received from out there. Most healthy and sober humans perceive the s


Digital has long ways to go. The translation of everything into digital form is only beginning. Human history can be seen as the history of the technology (tools and methods) invented by humans. We are certainly in the digital age. Humans invented a technology that translates everything into digits (ones and zeros) that are processed or computed by machines (computers or processors). An input into digits is processed into an output into digits. This processing is conducted at high speeds allowing for incredible outputs that augment the reality around us. You are still on time to jump into the digital revolution. It may seem that it has been going for a long time, but in reality this is just beginning. Stay tuned to Slap for more content about how to jump into the digital revolution. Again, it is not too late at all. In the great scheme of this, the digital revolution is just beginning.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at

facebook twitter

Twitter is the new facebook. Both social media platforms are doomed to fail. They will not go away or out of business completely, but their bubbles will continue deflating over the years. The technology is easy to replicate. Their owners, or prospective owner in the case of Twitter, are more hated than admired. The value proposition is becoming more negative every day.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Facebook and Twitter both peaked a long time ago. They will never ever be in the future what they were in the past. These platforms are old school technology by now plus have a negative goodwill forecast. Facebook for sure already has a negative goodwill in the United States. Twitter does not have it yet, but once it is acquired by Elon Musk, any positive goodwill will evaporate into dust.  For both facebook and Twitter, their best days are in the rear view mirror. Smart investors should avoid them at all cost. The potential best bet is to short these stocks. Buyers s


Money keeps evolving. From shells, to beans, to metals, to paper, to digits on bank computers, the innovative token that makes humanity move keeps changing over time. Money is a human invention to facilitate trade and survival. No man is an island, and without trading with others humans cannot survive and thrive. To earn money you have to exchange something of value (e.g. time, talent, or a trade) in exchange for money. Money can be seen as a conditional permit or authorization that allows you to engage in certain economic activities or transactions. To make more money, focus on the needs of the market and your economic value proposition.  Slap is super spicy food for thought. If you can handle the heat, take more at Earning money Earning money begins with having or producing something of economic value that you can trade in exchange for money. Money is a human invention that serves various interconnected functions related to facilitating economic activity and trade. Mone


Neither conservatives nor liberals are 100% correct or 100% wrong. Conservatives are not wrong. You may not like the conservative agenda, but that doesn't make it wrong. Conservatives are doing exactly what they need to do to advance the kind of society they would like to live in. The same applies to liberals. Liberals are not wrong. You may not like the liberal agenda, but that does not make it wrong. Liberals are doing exactly what they need to do to advance the kind of society that they would like to live in. This is a matter of personal taste or opinion. Luckily in a democracy you get to vote and support your preferences without having to go to war or jail over them. Democracy is not perfect, but is better than the alternatives such as civil wars or dictatorships. What do you think? Slap is food for thought. Take more at   What do conservatives want? Conservatives want a traditional society. Taken to a hypothetical extreme, that would be a society supported by slav


Killing unborn babies by terminating unwanted pregnancies can save the world and reduce inflation. Every mother who does not want to carry a pregnancy to full term should be encouraged to consider abortion under proper medical supervision. With about 250 babies being born every minute in the world, we are headed to an overpopulation crisis. If the baby life was sent by god, he should have a no questions asked return policy to avoid killing the planet. As an additional bonus for killing unwanted unborn babies, the sacred practice should help us alleviate inflation. Slap is food for thought. Take more at Killing unborn babies in self defense We all agree that killing another person is proper when done in self defense. In addition, some countries allow people to end their own lives under certain circumstances (euthanasia) such as terminal illnesses. In the United States it is okay to kill certain violent criminals after due process of law (i.e. capital punishment). Killing un


3 Reasons why inflation is good for you. Inflation can help you spend less; save more; and invest for the future.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at What is inflation? Simply put, inflation refers to high prices. Prices respond to the economic principle of supply and demand. When demand is high, and supply is low, prices are high. When supply is high, and demand is low, prices are low. As you can see, demand (i.e. people wanting to buy something) is the primary trigger for prices. Supply or availability is relevant if there is that buying pressure or demand.  Where is the current inflation coming from? COVID, Russia, and Liberalism. The current inflation is coming from the response to the COVID19 pandemic; Putin's invasion of Ukraine; and liberal or progressive policies. The current inflation is mostly due to the response to the historic and unprecedented COVID19 pandemic. Part of the inflation situation is also due to Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Finally, li

Jesus Gay Christ

Twelve Gay Men (12GM) would be a Broadway hit! 12 GM would a Broadway show highlighting the obvious truth that has been laying at plain sight for over 2,000 years. 12 GM would play the theory that Jesus and his disciples were 12 queer men of their times. The show would be a blessing, and hopefully a great success, within the LGBTQ community. The Christian LGBTQ revolution is an untapped market waiting for entrepreneurs to tap into its almost unlimited potential.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at The 12 GM show prototype follows the tales and stories of the New Testament. The first act begins in the celebration of a wedding where Jesus and his men light the party by brining all you can drink booze wine for everyone. From then on, the JC dozen becomes popular around town, with locals attending their events and spreading the word around. The next acts follow JC and his crew around town, showing how different opinions take form. Some disciples, especially Judas, resent

Christian Abortions

Christian women should vote for Democrats to protect the sacred right to medically sound and compassionately humane abortions in the United States. Guaranteeing access to proper abortions under adequate medical care is not only a human right, but also a Christian obligation. Christian entrepreneurs should also tap into the untouched business opportunity of promoting Christian abortions.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at   Christian faith stands for the belief in a heavenly father who loves his children on Earth. When that heavenly father sends one of his daughters a gift of life, daughters should feel loved and empowered to safely, kindly, and humanely return the gift to the father if desired. The heavenly father is not a monster or or sadistic deity.  The heavenly father will understand and appreciate the safe return of the unborn soul to heaven. The heavenly father will not want his daughter to suffer and will not want the soul to be in the wrong hands. A Christia


Ending racism begins with realizing that we are all members of the same race, the human race. Racism is a socioeconomic system that assigns privilege based on the human concept of race. Understandably, many beneficiaries of the system do not want to give away the benefits obtained from the system. However, we can all have more by ending racism and expanding our economy in a globalized and diversified world. Below please read a few thoughts about racism, where it comes from, and how to end it.   Slap is food for thought. American politics - investing - entrepreneurship (PIE).    Find us soon on Patreon. What is racism? Racism is a socioeconomic system based on the construct of race. The social construct of race divides humans in different groups based on the different inherited biological features and ancestral physical characteristics exhibited by humans around the world. Racism assigns social benefits and economic privileges based on the immutable physical traits and exte


COVID was a blessing in disguise. Unfortunately, the virus killed millions worldwide, with the United States arguably leading the world in preventable deaths. Fortunately, the human response to the pandemic brought significant scientific, technological, and social progress that should flourish in the years to come. The response to COVID19 also brought high inflation, which brings many opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs. Chances are that the world is already a better place thanks to COVID19. What do you think?  Slap is food for though. Take more at A blessing in disguise. For many Americans, the COVID19 pandemic has been a blessing in disguise. Three main improvements that we can think of are: mRNA vaccines; remote work technology; and Trump out of the White House. A major opportunity going forward is dealing with inflation, which may end very soon with the upcoming recession. COVID19 accelerated the production of mRNA vaccines.  This revolutionary medical technology was


Mixing politics and religion with business is a taboo. Most business should stay completely away from it. Politics and religion are very divisive and controversial topics, tending to bring the worst in people when they disagree about dogmas and beliefs. offers food for thought about American politics, investing, and entertainment (PIE). There are no taboos for Slap. All controversial topics are shredded and tossed into intriguing dishes of food for thought. Free your mind. Enjoy. Slap is food for thought. Take more at Political Choices: Backward vs Forward Looking In American politics, you have two main choices: go back (conservatism); or move forward (liberalism). Neither one is perfect. About 80% of voters are set on their respective views, with about 20% staying independent moving in one direction or the other depending on the feelings of the moment.  Conservatism is backward looking. The idea is to shape our future based on our past traditions. The problem


Trump could kill himself on Fifth Avenue live on Tik Tok, and his supporters would believe that the suicide was staged by the "deep state". Trump could become Hitler, and his supporters would still adore him. Trump could confess to having committed all the crimes he's accused of, and his supporters would still defend him. Why is that? Because we're all storytelling primates desperate to believe in salvation. Slap is food for though. Take more at Storytelling primates Humans are fascinating animals. Imagination and communication skills set humans apart from all other animals on Earth. Humans are so good at imagining stories and sharing them vividly that the stories are believed as true regardless of their veracity.  Believers Trump supporters believe that their "America" is lost, and that Trump is their savior. This belief on a lost world that needs to be saved by a man is engrained in Trump supporters primate brains who are overwhelmingly Christ


Trump will never be President again Today was another historically bad day for Trump. Congress will order Trump to testify before before the January 6th Committee about his role in leading the insurrection. The Supreme Court refused to intervene in the investigation against Trump for stealing and hiding classified Top Secret documents, many of which remain unaccounted for. The State of New York filed an injunction to stop the Trump Organization from continuing their fraudulent real estate business practices. America is sick and tired of the divisiveness brought and fed by Trump. Americans are not happy with Biden, but would elect a chimpanzee over Trump. The majority of people had enough of Trump. It's time to move on.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at Below are a few unrelated thoughts for those interested in economic trends and future predictions.  The future is predictable. Our ability to predict the future depends on our processing capacity to analyze all p


Money and politics go hand in hand. Money is a technology (i.e. tool and method) for economic activity (i.e. trade or exchange of products and services) in a society. Politics is a competition for political power, which is the ability to rule and control a society, including its economic activity. Therefore, political power is more important than money. Having political power allows you to create and allocate money. No wonder people contribute money to politicians knowing that if they will reciprocate once elected. Slap is food for thought. Take more at   It seems that most humans want money and power. This is a manifestation of the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. Living organisms can be seen as organic computers programmed for two, and only two, binary functions: to seek; and to avoid. Living organism seek a positive energy state; and avoid a negative energy state. We call the positive pleasure; and the negative pain. We seek pleasure; and we avoid pain. Money and poli


We can actually lots of things from Donald Trump. Yes, liberals hate him and have.a point. The guy wants power and keeps seeking it relentlessly. That resiliency, at his advanced age, is worthy of admiration from a human flourishing point of view. That is not to say that we should surrender our democracy to Trump and his MAGA klan. Instead, the United States should prosecute Trump to the maximum extent of the law. Having said that, we can still learn from the Orange Jesus of WASP supremacy. Slap is food for thought. Take more at   There are similarities between Trump and Jesus Christ. Of course, we can focus on the differences and fill libraries with books about them. Jesus was a poor liberal from the Middle East, who was crucified to death by the conservatives of his times. Jesus was kind of a queer communist opposite of a fascist capitalist like Trump. Jesus had a message of peace and love; loving one another as his imaginary god loved him. Trump is not a loving person.


Trump will do more to end racism than Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., or anyone else in human history. Gandhi and MLK fought racism in a civil way. Without taking up arms or doing anything stupid, Gandhi and MLK made the world a better place. They helped us understand that racism is a dead end. Interestingly, Trump is helping us end racism in a different way. By being so stupid and racist, Trump will help humanity avoid the stupidity and craziness of racism. Slap is food for thought. Take more at It is been reported that Trump was so incredibly stupid that he even packed the boxes of classified documents that he stole from the White House. Any other disgruntled federal officer suspected of stealing Top Secret documents would have been indicted by now.  Trump is the leader of a WASP supremacy movement known as MAGA. Trump is also a former president of the United States. Trump won the 2016 presidential elections, defeating Hillary Clinton. Hillary was suspected of having sto