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Showing posts from July, 2022


Are you voting Republican or Democrat? One question will decide. Whether you prefer tradition or change. If you are like the majority of voters (more than 80%), deciding for which party to vote is a traditional endeavor. You will vote for the same party that your "tribe" has traditionally voted for. If you are an independent voter (less than 20%), you will vote based on whether you prefer tradition or change.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at As a human, you are an emotional creature. Emotions comes first; reasons follow. If you are like most people, you already know for which party you will vote. You are programmed to stay with your pack. Your instinct will be to stay with your pack.  If you are like most voters. none of the arguments or "reasons" of the times will change your mind. You are all set. Your political party affiliation is part of your self image and your understanding of who you are. Your political affiliation is already an integral

Good Recession

The best recession ever. Enjoy this recession while it lasts. Unemployment is super low. The dollar is super high. Companies are making record profits. Stocks are selling at discounts. The government has a surplus. Gas and food prices are beginning to come down. It's easy to make money. It pays to save money. A moderate slowdown can avoid a crash to keep the good times rolling.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at The U.S. economy has contracted two quarters in a row. Therefore, we are officially in a recession. Let's embrace the facts. Don't deny reality. Just decide what reality means for you. Oftentimes in life, you cannot change the facts or what things are. However, you can always change what they mean to you.    The U.S. economy is finally recovering from the pandemic caused by the coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID19). What an epic pandemic. COVID19 is definitely one for the history books. The pandemic was one of those milestone events that happen on


We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to send women back to the Middle Ages. We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to punish women for having sex. We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to punish women for being raped. We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to punish women for tempting men. We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to remind women that they are owned by an imaginary male god sitting invisibly in heaven.  Snap is food for thought. Take more at We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to destroy the environment. We're in a recession, let's vote for conservatives to burn fossil fuels. We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to burn the planet for money.  We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to expand mass shootings. We're in a recession. Let's vote for conservatives to arm mentally unstab

White Tribalism

No one is white, but believing in whiteness is all what some people have. Those are the MAGA supremacists who do not want to be black, and who would do and vote for whatever is opposite to what blacks vote for.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at No one is white Human skin color ranges from black to beige. No one is white. Not even the palest human on Earth is  white. Put a white sock or a white shirt on that skin, and the truth will reveal for you. So called "white" skin is actually beige.  Nordic vs Tropical Human tribes that settled in the northern hemisphere developed light beige color skin while humans that stayed in tropical areas either stayed beige or developed darker skin tones of brown or black. It's all about melanin, nature's own sunscreen. Other "racial" characteristics (hair, nostrils, eyelids, etc) are also biological adaptations to environmental and climatological differences in the different regions of the planet.  One famil

Cheney vs Trump

Liz Cheney could run for President. To have a chance, she would need at least three miracles. The first one would be bringing down Donald Jesus Trump. The second miracle would be escaping the wrath of enraged Trump supporters. The third one would be convincing enough Republicans to become moderates or quasi Democrats. Anything is possible, but it does not seem likely that Liz Cheney can become the first woman president of the United States.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at The easiest way to defeat Trump is to let the sucker defeat himself. There is something about Trump. Whatever Trump touches turns to shit. Even the office of the president looks shitty after knowing the ins and outs of Trump's presidency.  Liz Cheney's January 6th Hearings are airing Trump's dirty laundry out to the world to see and it is making the image of the White House stink. To hear about such a dysfunctional and quasi criminal presidential enterprise is an alarming embarrassment

Fat future

Assuming that they pass away from natural causes, who will die first between Trump, Biden, and Dr. Faucci? We put them in that same order into a casket. Faucci's mediterranean diet and genealogy will help him outlive Biden and Trump. Biden's relatively healthier diet and lifestyle with a more relaxed personality will help him outlive Trump. The MAGA king will die most likely from a heart attack relatively soon.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at The price of success. Having so much food around us has made us round on the outside. It's not that we are pregnant with a germinated seed, cyst, embryo, or fetus protected by the radical right controlled by Christian conservatives. We are pregnant with fat because we overeat daily. It's the price of progress. Instead of dying of hunger, we are dying of obesity. One thing to admire about Dr. Faucci and Biden is their weight management. Unlike Trump, DeSantis, Christie and all other politifatsos, Biden and Faucc

Trump Jesus

Conservative Christians are under attack. Jesus was a liberal preaching against the conservatives of his times. Conservative rulers killed Jesus by crucifixion. Evangelicals continued spreading fake gospel stories to keep the cult going. Conservatives persecuted Christians until they realized that it was better to join them to control them from within.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Conservative rulers of those days thought that crucifying Jesus would stop his liberal movement. The opposite happened. Christianity became more popular after Jesus was gone. It became easier for his disciples to spread fictional stories about miracles including resurrection and ascension. The movement of brotherly love spread like wildfire or like COVID on steroids.  Conservative authorities persecuted Christians until they realized that the more they beat them down, the stronger they became. Conservative rulers had a vision. If you cannot beat them, join them. Conservative rulers con


Some people believe that the Earth is flat. According to some quantum physicists, our universe may be a hologram projected from a flat 2-D plane. Go figure. Maybe the Earth is really flat after all. The 3-D globe we see and perceive may be a simulation produced by our brain. Our brain may be a 3-D virtual headset. We all perceive a similar "objective" reality because we all have the same headset. We are all homo sapiens, a relatively advanced model of African storytelling primates.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at We will probably never know what is true and what is not. Reality may be an illusion of the mind. Regardless, in the illusion that we call reality we can have fun figuring out past facts, experiencing present opinions, and predicting future events.  The difference between the past and the future seems to be the level of certainty involved. We can examine the past with a greater degree of certainty than the future. The choices and options of the p


Guns and babies in the United States of Purple. If the current demographic trends continue, the political landscape of our Nation is poised to becoming more and more purple. We are all becoming Florida.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Color coding Red states are those that typically vote Republican. Blue states are those that typically vote Democrat. Purple states are those that typically swing or vary often. Florida is the quintessential purple state.  Ron DeSantis DeSantis is a Republican conservative serving as the current governor of Florida. DeSantis the 2018 elections by super slim vote margin of about 4,000 or so. DeSantis is beige of Italian descent whereas his Democratic opponent was black.  DeSantis became popular or renowned during the COVID pandemic. Whereas "liberal" states were locking up people and placing restrictions, DeSantis opted for a relaxed and truly liberal approach. People moved to Florida in record numbers to Florida.  New Flori


Our country is not perfect, but we have a lot of potential. We have simple choices to make. We can be conservative/regressive; liberal/regressive; or a combination of both. In our political colors, we can be red, blue, or purple. Either choice can work. Choose your beliefs. Decide what you prefer.   Slap is food for thought. Take more at How did we get here? First, our species walked out of Africa. Their descendants kept walking, and eventually sailing, until reaching every region of the globe. Yes, humanity originated in Africa, and all humans are of African descent.  Storytelling primates walking and sailing around the globe All humans are primates. We descend from other African primates. Many people can't see this. One reason is that the "links" of homo species between modern humans and chimpanzees or bonobos went extinct. Therefore, there seems to be a huge gap between modern humans and are closes living ancestors, the chimpanzees and the bonobos.  The mi


If you think about it, European colonialism is still the fundamental issue in our country. The question is whose lives matter in the United States. Do only the lives of men of European descent matter like in the 1700s? It's 2022, everyone matters regardless of whether their ancestral background or heritage. Slap is food for thought. Take more at  Colonialism It's funny that we are so "advanced" and we are still debating European colonialism to a large extent. Even without realizing it, most of our political discourse is a remnant of our colonial history and Euro centric cultural background. Let's examine briefly how we got here. African primates Humanity originated in Africa. All humans are primates of African descent. We are storytelling primates. We come equipped with a data processor (brain) that can run images and communicate stories. Our imagination and storytelling abilities are what set us apart from other animals.  Storytelling primates We are

Beige Supremacy

Nobody is perfect. It would be a little unfair to call our founding fathers the "Fake Founding Fathers" because they spread fake news and alternative facts. Every human is a mixed bag. We lie often, and we believe lies all the time. That's how we cope and survive.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Fake News Racists The founding fathers were humans (i.e. storytelling primates of African descent) living in harsh and primitive times more than 200 years ago. Like every other human back then and today, the founding fathers were opportunists partially full of shit.  The founding fathers were con artists, slave owners, and fake news masters to some extent. That is not to say that America is not "great" or that it cannot be "great". That is simply to be accurate and see things how they are, a mixed bag.  John Adams and Benjamin Franklin spread fake news John Adams wrote countless of fake news and alternative fact stories for publication in t

Purple Nation

In the past, especially after the Civil War, American migratory patterns were mostly from Southern conservative "red" states to liberal "blue" states. Many sought to escape the socio economic stagnation of the failed confederate racism and the "Jim Crow" segregation laws.  Recently, during and after the COVID pandemic, many Americans began migrating in the opposite direction. Red states are still conservative, regressive, religious, and poor, but since they are less developed they are more affordable.  People migrate looking for a better life. Many Americans are lured into red states due to the relatively low (or at least comparatively lower) cost of living. Red states have lower taxed because traditionally they care less about welfare, health care, public education, and other social programs paid with taxes.  Climate plays a key role in migration patterns. Those who can afford it spend winters in the South to avoid the nasty cold and darkness of Northern

RIP Trump

Rest in peace Ms. Ivana Trump. Condolences to Don Jr, Ivanka, and Eric on the loss of their mother. Ivana demonstrated that immigrants come to our country to do the jobs that most Americans refuse. Being married to Donald Trump must have been a challenge. This year is proving challenging for the Trumps and may continue getting worse.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Trump killed Ashli Babbitt. Three others died because of Trump's insurrection. Justice has not been served yet. American waits for the Department of Justice to continue indicting all the way to the top. There is nothing to lose by demonstrating to the world that in America no one is above the law.  Whether Trump is convicted or acquitted is irrelevant. Trump is the OJ Simpson of our times. Even if he is acquitted, people will keep their opinion about the man's innocence. Life will get him sooner or later. Justice will prevail.  Trump has decided to run for president again in 2024. Trump won't

Trump is over

Inflation is high. Unemployment is low. The dollar is strong. Trump is weak. Meadows, Rudy, and others are going to be indicted for sure. Trump will not. The world will keep spinning. Everything will keep changing. The economy will continue bouncing up and down. Politics will continue swinging left and right. Buckle up. Bring out the popcorn. The best is yet to come. How did we get here? We walked. Our species walked and sailed all over the spinning globe. We walked around, chasing food and adventure. We walked out of Africa until we reached almost every corner of the world. All humans come from Africa. That's right our species is African.  Migration is a constant in human history. Some humans walked out of Africa into the Middle East. Some settled down, and some walked northwest and settled down in Europe. Others walked west and settled down in Asia. From Asia, some kept walking east, crossing into the Americas.  Some tribes settled down upon discovering agriculture. You plant a s

A 76 year old beige man

Neither Hunter Biden nor Steve Bannon can save Trump this time. Hunter is reportedly an atheist. Bannon is supposedly a christian who keeps a fake portrait of a bleached skin Jesus in his office. The J6 Hearings are destroying Trump and he seems doomed. Luckily for Trump he is a man of color (color beige) and will most likely avoid criminal prosecution. Luckily for all of us, Trump's political career is almost over. Slap is food for thought. Take more at Trump's Epic Collapse Millions of Americans have been waiting for Trump's collapse. Trump is a 76 year old old man with a poor diet, and a super stressful lifestyle. That is a lethal combination for any heart. Men of beige color with similar lifestyle factors are prone to deadly heart attacks. With every heartbeat, the blonde dyed hair and fake orange makeup gets closer to his final day on Earth.  No one is eternal; not even the MAGA king. That is the most fundamental flaw of kings and dictators. Even assuming

Hunter Trump

  The Biden family and the Trump family have serious legal problems. Hunter Biden "broke the internet" today with an apparent leak of disturbing content from his computer and server files. Hunter's alleged crimes must be investigated. Donald Trump is always trending online with the Never Trump (again) movement discussing Trump's apparent conspiracy to overthrow out government on January 6th, 2021. No one is above the law. To keep our democracy strong, let's investigate and prosecute anyone who breaks the law. That includes Hunter Biden, Ivanka, Jared, Joe, Donald Trump, and anyone else. Slap is food for though. Take more at Meat and potatoes Our anglo culture makes us crave meat and potatoes. Nothing like a fatty dead animal for getting food drunk, and a starchy side for getting a glycemic high. Food is our national addiction. Food brings us together to the dinner table. Alcohol helps many flush all the glut down. From there we go to the TV or the scr

Made by Obama

Trump was made by Obama.  Of course, Trump was a widely known celebrity before he ran for president in 2016. Trump was a real estate developer with a mixed business record. The man had both high profile successes and failures. After his fourth bankruptcy, many thought that he was done for good. Somehow Trump was able to secure loans from Deutsche Bank. According to some, Putin and Russian money launderers kept Trump's business afloat by shielding money in New York City real estate, but that not been proven.  Trump was also a celebrity after playing himself in The Apprentice. Trump entertained millions by playing his own character as a savvy business man unafraid of criticizing "losers". Trump's "you're fired" line became a popular meme in American pop culture.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Trump became famous in conservative politics when he began to echo Obama birther claims. According to Trump and other conspiracy theorists, Obam

Serious Crimes

Don Jr is trending this morning. Don Jr would be the King of the USA after the MAGA King dies. Ultimately, that is the biggest downside of monarchies and dictatorships. Even assuming for the sake of argument that the first king or the first dictator was "great", history shows that those who inherit the power tend to be significantly less "great". Democracies are not perfect, but seem to work better than monarchies and dictatorships in the long run.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Hunter Biden is also trending. MAGA folks are obsessed with how much money Hunter has made potentially selling access to government officials. It is very similar to Ivanka and Jared making about $800,000,000 while being advisors to the former president.  To be sure. if Hunter, Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr, Eric, etcetera violated the law they should be indicted and prosecuted. There is no doubt about that. In America, no one should be above the law, not the kids of sitting pre

Confusing times

It's scary that former Japanese Shinzo Abe was killed with a home made gun. That is kind of a home made abortion, but at the other end of the political spectrum. Something tells us that if guns were outlawed in the United States, we would have the most home made guns in the planet. Prohibition does not work. It did not work for alcohol. It does not work for drugs. It would not work for guns. It will not work for abortions. Slap is food for thought. Take more at The political right here gets super energized by the topic of guns. Guns are sacred in our country. Democrats make a terrible mistake trying to regulate and outlaw guns. That wakes up the MAGA zombies. Better to leave guns alone.  Americans accept the risk of living in a gun carrying, gun hazing nation. That is part of who we are. Those unwilling to accept the risk, are always welcome to migrate or stay home. Part of the social contract in our Nation is that every single time that we go out, we run the risk of b

Three DeSantis questions

 Is DeSantis an Italian style fascist? He is Roman Catholic, anti-gay, and anti-women, but that does not make it a fascist. He seems to be a fascist wannabe, just like Trump is a king wannabe. How did the Republican party become a MAGA madhouse? An implosion of racism and misogyny.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Can DeSantis beat Trump? Trump still makes a lot of noise, but his brand is losing steam every day. Trump is facing serious political and legal problems. The January 6th Hearings are killing the Trump brand slowly, but surely. The Department of Justice will ultimately indict and prosecute dozens of high level Trump co-conspirators. Whether Trump himself is prosecuted will depend on what those high profile suckers testify. Will DeSantis be the next president of the United States? Yes, unless every woman and every nonbeige supremacist in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, Ohio, and Michigan vote Democrat.  Food for thought. What do you think?

MAGA People of Color

MAGA is a movement of people of color. Beige color, that is. Human skin comes in three color shades: beige, brown, and black. Any color is okay. What is not okay is thinking that one color is better than another. What makes MAGA people suffer is that liberals are ending the color coded society that MAGA folks had learned was "great".  Slap is food for thought. Take more at People of Color  People of color are the base of the MAGA movement. Their color is beige. Human skin comes in three main colors or shades: beige, brown, and black. Melanin, a natural "ink" or pigment made by the body is responsible for skin color.  Your melanin color varies depending on whether your ancestors stayed in tropical weather, or migrated to nordic weather. Northern latitudes have less ultraviolet (UV) radiation plus are cold requiring people to cover their skin. The combination of less UV radiation plus covered skin, made melanin beige.  You can see melanin as natural form

Obama Republicans

Change is constant, and every action brings a reaction. The Republican party changed as a reaction to the election of a black president in the United States. From a business party, the Republican party became a racist madhouse. The Republican party may eventually change again and redeem itself. In the meantime, and especially this November 2022, moderate Americans are voting Democrat.  Slap is food for thought. Take more at Barrack Obama The election of an American of Kenyan descent to the American presidency woke up a dormant segment of racism in our country. The election of a black man to the "house of whites" brought intense psychological pain (i.e. fear) to millions of Americans.  Contrary to what many Democrats may say, not all conservatives are evil or deplorable. People are people. Humans are humans. For the most part, people are just victims of their environment and belief system.  The racists that woke up after a black man was elected president were vict